45. Raindrops, sand and heartbreak

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45. Raindrops, sand and heartbreak

"I can't believe I'm in California!"

"Nina, shut up."

"Damon, we're in California! How can I shut up?!"

"Simply by shutting up?"

"No can do! I'm in California!"


"90210, the west coast, good old Cali!"

"Nina, it's freaking 2 o'clock in the morning. Go to sleep."


"Shut up."


"Right. Love you."


                                                           ***The Morning***

I was lying face down on the kitchen table in our hotel room in California. We'd travelled in the night after Damon suggested going to the beach, and now me, Jeremy, Elena, Bonnie and Damon were in California.

They were all in different rooms, but they walked in just as Damon took a seat around the table which i still lay on.

"Is she dead or tired?" Jeremy asked.

Jeremy and Damon had been getting closer recently. I teased them about being gay and having a bromance, but it felt weird because that was the stuff that I was supposed to tease Stefan about.


What an ass.

But I missed him.

"She wouldn't shut up last night so she's amazingly tired." Damon explained. "Aren't you Nina?" He ruffled my hair and I growled.

"Get off." I snapped.

"Oooh, cranky."

"Damon shut up!"

"That's exactly what I was telling you last night..."

"I bring coffee!" Bonnie screamed, obviously for my benefit.

My head snapped up off the table. "Coffee?"

I jumped off and ran over to Bonnie who stood grinning, with no coffee in her hand. My face was heartbroken. Like Stefan's old face when someone took his bunny, like when someone stepped on Elena's tail, like when someone attempted Damon's eye thing.

Lying about coffee was not good.

"I hate you Bonnie."

She ruffled my hair. "I'll teach you a spell later to make up for it?"

I smirked. "I like you again."

"So what are we gonna do today?" Elena asked.

"The beach, of course." Damon said obviously. "We're on the 90210, west coast, good old Cali."

"My words!" I cried.

Damon chuckled and then wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed the side of my forehead for a few moments. "Go get ready."

                                                            ***30 Minutes Later***

Jeremy had thrown a piece of sand on Damon's hair. Damon had royally freaked out and stamped on Jeremy's sand castle. Jeremy pretended to cry and then when Damon said sorry, he stood on Damon's foot. Then, Damon threw Jeremy over his shoulders, ran down to the water and threw him into the sea. Elena had followed, making sure that it was just play fighting and me and Bonnie lay sunbathing.

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