Chapter the Twenty-Sixyeth: Let's Go Kick Some Ra Butt!

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        Rayma awoke abruptly, a loud, sharp sound had snapped in her ear, causing her mascara-flavored eyelids to flutter shut. (She had been sleeping with them open.)

    She took one long look at her surroundings... and shrieked.


    For her cage was truly horrifying. The enclosure was relatively large, with cave-like walls jutting out at the princess. Huge stalactites hung precariously in the musty air, giving the impression of massive swords ready to stab the poor princess in case she dare attempt to escape. However, the mouth of the "cave" lay unguarded, and as she peered out of it, Rayma glimpsed endless puffy, cloudy sky, stretching on forever.  She was trapped.

    Narrowing her eyes, she glared at the walls, tapping her talons snootily against the smooth flooring. "Oh... I  see what's going on. I'm so beautiful and amazing that you wanted to kidnap and eat me!"


     Suddenly, her glare widened into a cheery smile. "What fun! What exciting thing do we get to do first, dearest Kidnapper?"


    She laughed joyfully. "You sure don't talk much, do you? Well I'll talk on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on for you. Say! Do you perhaps know Sir Ra? He's my little-"

    "Heeeeeelllloooooo, Princess Rayma!" blared the same disembodied voice that had spoken to Rayma's friends. This time, however, it talked in bold instead of all caps.

    Rayma's eyes glittered with glee. "Hello there, little disembodied creature!"

    The voice was silent for a moment. Perhaps it didn't expect this level of... cheerfulness from its captive. "So... uhh... yah! We have horribly kidnapped you from your dearest friends! Mwahahahahahahaha!!!"

    Bored, Rayma checked out her flawlessly- manicured fangs. "Dude, I know you're proud with yourself and all that you managed to kidnap me, but can we get on with this? Ray Ray and I were gonna go surfing this afternoon, and I don't wanna miss out on the knarley waves!"

    There was a brief, disappointed sigh. "You aren't afraid of me?"

    It sniffled.

   Eyes welling with tears, the royal felt a huge wave of sympathy for the poor creature. "Nooo, honey. I'm terrified! Please don't, er, eat me?"

    "There we have it, folks!" cried the voice. "Real, genuine scaredness just sittin' right there!"

   An unseen audience oohed and ahhhed.

    Rayma, quite liking the attention, grinned broadly. "Thaaaaat's right! Look at me scream in terror!"

    Her shriek echoed piercingly throughout the cave, the sound bouncing off the jagged walls.

    Once again, the audience ahhhed and oohed.

     Happy again, the voice continued on with the show. "So, princess Rayma, you may not know this, but you're on a TV show!"

    "COOL!" squealed Rayma. "I know those don't actually exist but... I don't know. They seem so familiar... Oh well! I'm so stupid I wouldn't know anyways!"

    "Er, okay?" the voice wasn't quite sure what to do with that. "Anyways, Princess, let's get this show on the road!"

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