Chapter 14: Who do I believe?

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I finally made it to my room. I look over myself in the body length mirror. It was just water but I wanted to look nice. Dang it Mel, why am I so clumsy? It's a big night for me!

Our night was supposed to be perfect. What the heck happend? Dom did not seem to hear what I heard. The voice sounded familiar I think... I only know Dom and his umm... people. It could be my mind playing tricks on me but the voice yelled a name, a name I don't know.

I started peeling the dress off when I heard it again. "Moana!"

I quickly look around the room and stumble over my shoe and bump into the bed post. No, no, no, no, no! I must be going crazy.

"Who is there?" I whisper yelled. If I am crazy I don't want Dom worried. "Show yourself." I added. I kept looking around the room for a person and weapon, but there was nothing.

"Moana, calm down." That voice it sounded so familiar, calming and safe.

"Who's Moana? I'm not her." I told the voice.

"You are Moana and I am River. I'm coming for you, but you must stay away from that bastard!"

"What, Dom loves me! How dare you. And I don't know you. Get out of my head." I try focusing, I don't know how to push someone out of my head. "I am not Moana. My name is Melody. Melody."

"No it's not, you're Moana. I can prove it, you know me. I just have to let you into my head and show you some of the past." I went to the door and locked it then sat on the bed.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked. I felt something for River however I couldn't tell what it was.

"You won't know until you see." River responded calmly.

"You have one chance." As soon as I said that I could sense that he was pleased. A second later I wasn't in my bedroom anymore but a backyard.

I was standing on a porch staring a man in his eyes. It was intense, he seemed angry but like he never wanted to look away.

"Moana, that's us. I'm River. We've only known each other for a couple of days but we are destined to be together. Fate has aligned us."

"No, I don't believe in that stuff." I started shaking my head. Then something rumbled in my head and it sent shivers down my spine. "Did you just growl at me?"

"Yes. Look at this." Before my eyes the porch transformed into an office. I was being carried out but it seemed as if someone put it in slow motion. I was or that other version of me was again staring into the eyes of this "River" man.

"Who is that man carrying me?" I hear River sigh at my question

"Right now he doesn't matter. Once you are back I will remind you all about him and get all your memories back." I nodded, okay.

"Show me another." The office reformed into a forest. I turned around and saw myself crumble to the ground. River was standing beside me and got down on his knees and held me close. Then the visual sped up. I saw my eyes were closed, I, that me was sleep. River picked me up and stared at my face for a long time. The weird part is that he leaned his head in close and rubbed his cheek on mine. It seemed so intimate and sweet. I watched as he walked out the forest and the visual began fading but not before I saw that man from earlier snatch me from River. I saw River's face fall but he just walked away and that me just watched him walk away.

"That's enough." I couldn't take seeing it anymore. I don't know what is really and what isn't anymore.

"Moana I am going to save you and protect you forever. But the only reason you were taken was because of me. I said some very, very hurtful things to you. I said it because I was jealous and I got angry and took it out at you. I will show it to you when I get you back. But I need you to know I will never ever, ever hurt you again. I would rather die." I heart started hurting but I could tell if it was mine or his.

"Moana just go back to Dom, and act normal but if you want anything to do with me say it now."
"Yes!" I said quickly. I felt if something had been lifted of my chest. "River, I feel something for you, I just don't know what it is yet."

"Awesome, I love you Moana. Now can you kind of tell me where you are?"

"No, I don't know but there is a window. I can't open it though." I went to the window and opened the curtains. It was dark but I could see the town a couple miles away.

"Moana this is great! I will be there for you as soon as I can! Stay safe. I'll check back in with you soon, I love you." This was all River said before I felt his presence leave me.

I quickly ran to my closet and threw of my dress and put on a new one. As soon as I opened my door there was a giant, light brown mass of fur. I stumbled backwards, feeling light headed. I held onto the door, trying hard not to scream. The giant beast looked into my eyes, took a small step forward and put his head down. Was it submitting to me, telling me not to be scared because I felt as if my heart would leap out my chest.

What is a girl to do? Scream, run or stand there staring at the beast. Well I did what my heart told me to and fainted. The last thing I remember seeing is the ceiling and a man with light tan skin and a scruffy beard. He looked kind of familiar.

The Beta is my Boyfriend and the Alpha is my Mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن