Chapter 4: A plot

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"Where was she"

"In the woods. I found her there sleep... Thought you would want her back" he nodded a thanks to me. Her eyes started to open

"Hey babe you alright" Gavin spoke to her before she could do anything Gavin put a forceful kiss on her. I felt as if someone was stabbing my heart.

I quickly walked into the house and went to the one person I could turn to. This would usually be normal but what I'm about to ask is going to make everything wierd!


River POV:

Menna was an old, and bestfrined of mine. We also dated for a while. She is older than me by a month so when we both were of age for mates she for me to claim her so we could be together we had an hour long argument.

I couldnt take it I just wasnt ready for a commitment like that and I knew I never would be. Plus my wolf even told me not to do it he was more scared than I was.

I walked to the third floor and knoced on her door. I knew I might regret this later but I couldnt help it. She opened the door and was standing there in her underwear and bra and her make-up a complete mess.

"What do you want, I'm busy" I looked in and saw a human boy laying in her bed.

"I need a favor" I spit the words out. I shoved her arm away and walked towards the boy. I used my Alpha voice and yelled "Get out"

The poor boy ran out so fast he didnt even get his clothes.

"Great and I really liked him he made me laugh." she sighed and pulled on a robe. "What do you want Ri-baby?"

"Dont call me that." I sat "I need you to do something for me" she then pounced on me and put a painful and forceful kiss on my lips. My wolf started yelling with anger. I pushed her off gently so I wouldnt hurt her.

"Sorry I was just in the moment"

"Its fine... as I was saying I need you to umm" I didnt know how to say this or if I even wanted to do it anymore. But I cant let Gavin have her. He wasnt good enough!

"I need you to seduce Gavin for me"

"Becasue Maona is your mate"

 "How do you know?"

"Oh dont play coy with me Ri... I know everything about you. Your secrets, your faults, mistakes, and everything else. You cant hide from me, and you just confirmed it! And i also was patroling and came across you pinning her against a tree and you guys were just staring at each other for awile"

"Oh well... umm."

"I will do it"

"What are you getting out of it"

"Fun time, spying, relationship sabatoge, play time and I would do anything for my little Ri-baby" she smiled mischevously and squezzed my cheek

"Thanks" I got up and walked out. She grabbed my arm

"Wait when do I start?"

"The next time you see Gavin or Maona."

I walked to my office and called in my dad through our mind link.

"What is it son?" he walked in.

"How was it when you found mom?" He looked shocked by my question. My dad is a cool guy, friendly, smart, funny, Im almost exactly like him besides the friendly part which I get from my mom. She was never open to people. Until my dad came around, but even then she wouldnt let some people in.

 "I never expected to hear this from you" he sat in the seat across my desk "Well if you realy want to know she found me" he looked a little nervous and sad.

"Dad I'm s-" he cut me off quick

"Im fine son... I met your mom the day after my dad died. He had some buisness he never finish with the northern pack and if I didnt go it would have started a war. I immediatley left with my Beta and talked to the Alpha." he got up and started walking around the room.

"He was very surprised at my fathers death but said there will be an alligance between us. When i was leaving his office I wondered outside and fell asleep. I never noticed that one of the biggest winter storms were that night. I would have died if someone wouldnt have dragged me into a cave and layed with me the whole night."

"You and mom always told me that she just saved your life. Why havent you told me the story before?"

"your mother is very brave. and she hates bragging about it. Plus she claims that i saved her life and shes never told me how i did that yet."

"What was it like"

"when i finally woke up my arms were around the most beautiful being i ever seen. i asked your mother if i was in heaven. She laughed in my face. She always stood her ground and argued with me. Thats what i loved about her."

"Dad when-" again i was cut off by Sean (my second beta if anything happens to Gavin)

"River theres a couple rouges on the teritory they said the wont leave untill they get what they came for" i groaned "Keep them there Sean, im on my way!"

I ran out of the room my dad heard everything so he knows i wasnt leaving him.

Once i was in my wolf form I immediatley found a couple of my pack members (of course Gavin never showed) circling the three rouges.

"What is your purpose here!" I growled at them

"Ohh an Alpha" spoke the dark brown wolf and he started circling me. once he got in my face i noticed his eyes were blood red.

"What is your purpose here!" i yelled again

"My name is Skylaar! Im here for to pick up the girl called Moana!" he said her name with disgust. "Bring her to me" blood started dripping from his mouth and his brown eyes started turning black.

"Why do you want her?" I spoke in a calm voice

"Becasue. I'm. Her. FATHER!"

The Beta is my Boyfriend and the Alpha is my MateWhere stories live. Discover now