Chapter 8: Lots of Yelling

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she pushed my bag over and pulled me in between her legs. I tried to pull away but her grip tightened on me. She started kissing my neck.

"Come on Gavin... I will only take a little while" She kept kissing me and I couldnt control my wolf and he took over.


Moana Pov:

The pain all over my body started to subside all thanks to my wolf genes. I looked around the very small room. It was all metal and rustic and constantly dripping sink, the mirror above it was cracked. I tried sitting up but my legs and arms were strapped down. This whole place looked infected and like people died here pus I cant connect with my wolf. It feels as if we are disconnected or she unconcious.

I heard something fall and then there was a man yelling. The door flew open. The man was wearing a giant lab coat and goggles.

"It's awake again"

"Where am I? Who are you?" I started yelling at the man.

He ran towards me and stabbed me in the neck with a syringe. I yelped but then I felt dizzy and sleepy. The man kneeled on my bedside and then patted my head.

"Hush young one. Your husband will pick you up tomorrow" And I fell into a deep sleep hoping I heard him wrong becasue last time I checked I wasnt married.


River Pov:

"Dad where can she be. It's been two days and not one of our tracers have picked up her scent! Gavin has gone on a FREAKIN rampadge through the woods! Shes been kidnapped! I know it! Im going to KILL WHOEVER IS DOING THIS!!!"

"River calm down we will find her. Lets focus on other matters right now... How was your meeting with Skylaar ?"

"It went fine I guess... He just kept asking me about Moana. Where does she go? How do I know her? How long has she been here? Has she found a Mate? Where does she-"

"SON! What did you say when he ased you about her mate?"

"I dont know! I think I said no" looking at the floor.

"RIVER what did you say!" He banged his fist on the desk

"FINE I told them that she beleived Gavin to be her mate"

"Why did you say that!" My dad slumped into the chair

"Because I don't need anyone knowing right now that Moana is MY MATE!"

"Not for long!" I looked up and saw Gavin standing in the doorway.

"Gavin I'm sorry but she IS! MY! MATE!"

"Not if I mate with her first" next thing I knew my hands were around his throat.

"River let him go" I felt my claws start to extend and my cannines started to appear. Before I let go I let out a warning growl and Gaviin flinched. It made me smile. About five minutes later we stood up and Gavin spoke.

"Im your Beta and your best Tracker I trained most of the guys you scent out there. Tracking people was my Wolf extension unlike your digrace of a gift."

"Hey! All I can do is see peoples memories"

"Yeah and tamper with them dont forget your minor gift being able to give people there worst nightmares!"

"You know what Gavin I dont need you! I will find her on my own"

"SO bascially after I have mated with her!"

"Boys please!" I heard my mom yell

"How many more people are listening." I yell

"It's not my fault you boys didnt close the door back. But this is whats going to happen. Your going to work together to find Moana. She will rest, get cleaned up and whatnot. I will talk to her about mates briefly. She will then spend 5 minutes with each of you. You are to never mention the word mate or do anything unless she approves of it. After she will decide who she wants to be with."

"But what if-"

"River if she is truley your mate she will know and she will not deny you"

"Dont hold your breath on that one" I tried my best ignoring Gavin and sent out a telepath message to the pack.

"We have a mission everyone. One of our guests Moana is missing Im going to need Menna, Michael, Walter, Dwayne, Nikki, and Tobi to meet me in the pack confrenece room ASAP we leave in an hour. Dress to get dirty! Sean you will be staying here guarding the pack house with my Father. Double patrol and be ready for anything."

"Why in hell are you calling Menna?"

"Because she has a gift we need. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No!" Gavin stormed off

"Dad fill Sean in on everything that went on today that we spoke about."

"Why does he need to know"

"Hes officially my new Beta" I walked out of the room.

The Beta is my Boyfriend and the Alpha is my MateWhere stories live. Discover now