Chapter 13: River vs Gavin POV Part 2

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Gavin POV:

 Once dad and I landed we hailed a cab and it to us to the cabin dad owned. Convenient right? I sat on the porch outside and closed my eyes. It was the best way for me to extend my tracking ability. I have the ability to purposefully lose my one or more of my senses to make the others stronger. I let go of my sense of taste, touch, and smell in order to see and hear further.

I could easily hear my dad unfolding maps of the area and his increasing heartbeat. He's working his butt of showing me that he cares. We know Dominique owns many properties but he only has one is Alaska. I will owe my dad big when this is all over. I could easily see past the forest ahead of me and see the town. A woman was chasing after her small child barely learning to walk. I saw a man climb out a very expensive, black car ones they didn't usually have in these parts of Alaska. He looked at the watch on his wrist and glanced at his partner. They looked suspicious enough. I dropped my sight so I hear clearly what they were saying.

"Man, how long have you been working for this dude?" Said the partner that climbed from the passenger side.

"For about fifty years or so..." Fifty the man looked hardly over thirty. This had to be one of Dominique's men.

"Fifty years! Mr. Hasting's, like yourself does not look past thirty, hold old is this dude?" The younger man was just giving me everything I needed.

They were already in the store before I heard how old Hastings really was. I took a moment to regain all of my senses when I heard dad walking outside next to me.

"There are some guys in town that work for Dominique, we follow them, and we find Moana!"

"Well we better go before we lose them."

While we were in the car I remember dad had never seen Mo before. "Oh dad! I have a pic of Moana." I pulled out my wallet where I put a new picture of her.

I wore a suit with a maroon tie to match Moanas' dress. "I took Moana out to dinner that night, I told her I was in love with her that night. She said "that is impossible" and laughed." I remember that night clearly.

"Gavin that is impossible." Her smile fading fast to blank, but I knew she was just hiding her feelings.

"Moana, I love you and you cannot tell me that what I feel is impossible when everything is possible when it comes to me and you!" I grabbed her hand a squeezed it. "Gavin I thin-"

"NO!" I shouted a couple people around us glared at me but I didn't care. "You want to know why and how I love you. Well here it is! I love you because of your strength not just physically, you have endured so much that if it were me I would have killed myself already. You saw something good and promising in me before any of my family did. I always got what I wanted easily and I had to work for your love and trust, which in the end gave me the opportunity to get to know you and learn everything about you."

"I-I am... Gavin. I feel." She was at a loss for words which never happened.

"It's okay I know you love me to. You're just not used to all the love, I understand. I never thought loving someone was so suffocating."

With that she laughed and came around to where I was sitting and kissed me for the first time.

"She is lovely son." Dad said while patting me on the back.


We waited staying about a mile behind them. I used my sight to see where they were going, so to not look suspicious. I saw them take one last left before driving through a very big gated off mansion. "Okay let's go." We got out the car to shift and then made our way through the forest. We came upon the estate in a couple of minutes. After searching the perimeter dad found an opening in the back. I couldn't fit my wolf through and too dangerous for my human self to climb through.

I can fit through the opening son.

No way dad you're not going in there alone!

Watch me.

Before I could stop him he ran towards the opening and jumped through easily. Dammit! I didn't want my dad to go in alone. Hopefully he keeps me posted. I need to get Moana before River.

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