Chapter 13: River POV vs Gavin Part 1

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River POV

I saw Gavin rush out of the meeting and a minute later out of the pack house. If he wanted to work alone and not with his pack, why should I stop him!

About 15 minutes later we were all packed up and ready to go. We made it to the airport in 10 minutes. I went to the front desk and requested 15 tickets for the next flight to Alaska. I gave the woman all the names and she checked them out.

"I'm sorry sir the earliest flight to Alaska is in three hours and four of these people including yourself are on the 'No fly list'. I can make tickets for everyone else."

"What. Are. You. Talking. About. I have only flown three times in my life all when I was a teenager there is no way I am on the freaking 'No fly list'!"

"I'm sorry there is nothing I can do."

Right when I was about to go off some more, one of my pack mates grabbed my shoulder. "Sir doesn't Gavin's dad runs most of the airport?"

"That asshole had his dad put us on the no freaking 'Fly list'" My wolf started clawing and howling inside me I almost couldn't contain him. I ran outside and ran around the building into a corner no one could see me. I couldn't release my wolf with so many humans around. I tried to take deep breaths but it wasn't working I closed my eyes and sat down. There was a pain piercing my head. I opened my eyes but I didn't see the tree that was next to me I saw a giant ball room. I was by the window. I looked outside but I saw a glimpse of my reflection but it wasn't me but Moana.

I was looking through her eyes. Outside there were lots of trees and very far out I saw fireworks shooting off. Yes! She's okay. I don't think her wolf is back I can't sense her but there has to be something if our mate bond is working. Moana turned around and finally spoke.

"Honey, why are there fireworks out there?" I finally saw she was speaking to Dominique. She called him honey that hit me like a punch in my gut. He walked to her with a giant smile on his face and slipped his hands around her waist.

"They are for you Mel, for becoming my wife. Tomorrow will be our last day for our honeymoon before I have to return to work. Shall we consummate our wedding." Moana laughed and I thought she was laughing at him but she was laughing with him. Wait. Did he just call her Mel? She leaned in and kissed him.

"How about we eat first honey, don't want to do it on an empty stomach." She bit her lip and walked away to her seat with an extra sway in her hips. Seeing her do this for him made me want to vomit. He must be controlling her or threatening her.

"Moana! Moana!" I shouted into her mind. Since I am in here maybe she could hear me. I saw her drop her glass of water and spill it all over herself.

"Oh gosh, Melody are you alright?" Dominique stood up quickly and rushed to her.

"No, I mean... yes. Excuse me while I go change." She kissed his cheek while trying to dry her dress. But before she was out of reach he looked into her eyes and for a second it felt like he could see me.

"You're sure nothing is bothering you?" She touched his face softly and said.

"I am fine, I think I am just nervous about finally being able to be with you." She leaned in and kissed his lips softly but for longer than I cared for! She released his lips and he looked dazed. So she turned around and when she was out of sight she ran up the stairs, through a couple different halls and finally into a bedroom.

Finally maybe I can talk to Moana and convince her to leave. But what if Dominique has brain washed her? Her wolf is gone and she is answering to Melody...


Gavin POV coming soon! (ENJOY)

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