Chapter 9: So close (Part 1)

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"Why in hell are you calling Menna?"

"Because she has a gift we need. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No!" Gavin stormed off

"Dad fill Sean in on everything that went on today that we spoke about."

"Why does he need to know?"

"He’s officially my new Beta" I walked out of the room.



Once again I woke up and I didn’t know where I was at. But this time I was in a very fancy bedroom. None of my limbs were tied up and I had on a tight black pencil skirt with a crème blouse on. I got up off the bed and my body wasn’t aching anymore no telling how long I have been asleep. I quickly moved to the doors they were all locked and the window was covered with wood.

Once I checked every dang crack in the room I sat on the bed. Then the door opened. Four giant men in all black suits walked in and lined up. I ran towards them and started demanding that they tell me what’s happening but they acted as if I wasn’t even there. Suddenly I felt myself being snatched and a sack was put over my head that smelled of blood. I was thrown over someone’s shoulder then I was thrown one last time onto a seat and the sack was removed. I looked around and I was in some type of plane.

"Hello my name is Dominique Hastings" I had to admit he was very handsome. "And yes I’m your new husband" he held up his left hand and showed off his ring finger which had a gold band on it. I looked at my own hand and there it was a gold band with a giant diamond on it.


I’m going to upload the other half of this chapter later this week! Stay tuned! :D

The Beta is my Boyfriend and the Alpha is my MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang