Chapter 1

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Jay POV:

Many girls would love to be in my situation, a famous sister, a family who would do anything in the world to make me happy, getting the best seats in the house for concerts, getting to do the coolest stuff in the holidays and occasionally getting to leave school early to travel to performances. Little do they know that although I love my family and it's dead cool that my sister is famous it's not all fun and games, they don't have to experience reading rubbish articles about your sister or going months without seeing her, they don't have as much pressure as I do to be perfect, they can run round in their PJs all day and they get all the time in the world with their siblings.

It's my last day at school today before half term, I have been counting the days till my sister comes back, hopefully she'd be there to get me from school. My phone buzzes, it's a facetime from Perrie.

"Hiya beautiful girl how are you?" I swallow all my emotions, take a deep breath and fake a smile.

"Hey you're the beautiful one, things are good, it's the last day of school today."

"Yup you've been counting down till this day haven't you?"


"Okay, Jade wants to say hi quickly." Perrie hands her phone to Jade.

"Hey monster."

"Hey Jadey."

"You being good."

"Of course."

"Yeah yeah." She laughs I stick my tongue out at her.

"I'll pass you back to Pez babe."

"Okay I love you."

"Love you too." Perrie takes her phone back.

"Okay beaut I'll let you go or you'll be late for school. "

"You gonna be there to pick me up?"

"Of course , I'll bring a change of clothes for you too we can go out after school."

"Awesome." I smile for real this time.

"Okay well go to school and I'll see you later."

"Okay I love you Pez."

"Aww I love you too babe." Perrie blows me a kiss and puts the phone down.

"I love you most." I whisper to myself wiping a non-existent tear I grab my backpack and leave the house. I get closer to the school, I think about bunking but how would I explain my absence to Perrie? She'd ask why I had bunked and I can't burden her. I take a deep breath and walk through the school gates. Someone runs up and hugs me. I jump back nervously.

"Oh hey Chantelle." I smile, she was in her first year so we didn't have classes together but my Mum is friends with her Nan so I grew up hanging out with Chantelle's Mam but she's mostly Perrie's friend.

"Oh I wondered why you'd ran off without saying goodbye." Chantelle's Mam Katie came up to us, she turned to me. "Hi Jay, everything okay?"

"Yeah." I smile and we hug.

"Well I'll see you later honey." She smiled at me and we hugged again. "Don't be a stranger now will you Jay, Chantelle is always talking about you."

"Thanks Kate, see you soon." I put my arm around Chantelle and walk her to class, nothing bad would happen whilst I was with her, the teachers are more protective of the younger ones. We get to her class. I bend down in front of her and hug her.

"Have a good day beautiful girl." I stand up and Chantelle heads towards the classroom door. "Wait" Chantelle stops and turns to face me again, I walk over and straighten her collar. "No matter what anyone says Chantelle, you're amazing okay, don't listen to those who put you down."

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