The Last Straw

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"You are so fucking irritating!"
Here we go, another fight to add onto the long list.

"Baby, please just calm down." I say quietly, not wanting to get him angrier than he already is. I step back, but with each step I take to get away from him, another he takes to get closer.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" He locks his hands around my arms, most definitely tight enough to leave bruises. I let out a whimper. He raises his hand to hit me, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut, awaiting a sharp sting to my cheek. Suddenly, his grip loosens and I open my eyes, looking up at his sympathetic face.

"I-I'm sorry, Ray." He croaks, letting out a deep sigh.

I brush his bangs away from his eyes, trailing my hand down his cheek to his jawline, "No, Jay, it's okay." I whisper. He's always right about what he says. He has the right to hit me, I deserve it.

He bends down and attaches his lips to mine, but just as I think the fight is over, I feel a powerful blow to my stomach. Pulling away to cough, I see the grimace on Jason's face.

"Goodbye, Razor." He throws me onto the floor where I shake and cry.

His loud footsteps boom until they're followed by a door slam.

"J-Jason!" I scream on the floor, a river of tears flowing from my eyes. Managing to sit up, I hear the roar of an engine that I know belongs to my car.

I remain in a puddle of tears, shocked about what just happened. Jay and I have fought before, but he never left me. I look down at the bruises forming on my arms, realizing those and the scars are all I have left of him.

~Two Weeks Later~

"Come on! You haven't left the house in weeks!"

"That's because Jason stole my fucking car, Sydney." I sigh, grabbing at my black hair.

My best friend, Sydney, sits down next to me in my bed, resting her hand on top of mine, "Let me take you out for a while. You deserve to get some fresh air after everything you've been through."

"I'm not in the mood."

"You will be once you get outside!" She pulls me out of the comfort of my bed, earning a loud groan.

Dragging me through my house and to the front door, we make it to her car. Smashing Pumpkins start blasting through the speakers the moment the car starts. She starts head banging, making me chuckle. A grin on her face, she shifts the car out of park and starts driving down the road.

As we make our way into town, something catches my eye, "Syd! Stop!" I exclaim.

She pulls over, fear in her eyes, "What? What's wrong?" Her breathing is heavy.

I point across the street to a diner parking lot, "Look."

She turns her head and searches in the direction I'm pointing at, "Is that your car?"

"I think so. Let's check it out."

We drive over and park next to the car I believe is mine. Stepping out of Sydney's car, I check out the licence plate on the vehicle next to us, confirming it is my car.

"If my car is here, that means Jason is inside..." I whisper, suddenly feeling a strike of loneliness.

"Ray, you can't go in there." Syd warns.

"I have to talk to him and apologize for what I did."

"What you did? Ray, he's the one who beat you and stole your car! Trust me, you're better off without him."

I take a deep breath, "Well, I can't take my car back without keys. I have to talk to him one way or another."

"Fine, but I'm going in with you." She states, her voice firm. Knowing Sydney, it isn't easy to get her to change her mind, so I just nod, mentally preparing myself for what could happen inside.

The two of us walk in, and I instantly catch sight of the brown locks of Jason's hair.

"Jay..." I speak softly. He turns his head and looks at me, a look of disgust on his face.

"Didn't I make it clear that I'm done with you?" He scowls impatiently.

"I just-I just want my car keys." Feeling a pain in my chest and tears forming in my eyes, I know I have to get the keys quickly or I'll break down in front of everyone.

"Fuck off. It's my car now."

"Give her the keys, Jason." Syd growls.

He stands up, dropping a ten dollar bill onto the counter, "If you'll excuse me, I just lost my appetite." He smirks, strutting out of the diner. Too hurt to fight him for my keys, I fall into a booth, allowing the tears to spill.


Hey guys! So, I know this isn't the best way to start off a book, but I think it's pretty interesting so far. What do you guys think? Oh, Ray 's full name is Razor, incase you got confused. Also, Lindsey is making her appearance in the next chapter, so make sure you stick around to read it! Thanks so much for reading!


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