Party Poison

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While everyone dances around the living room, Bandit and I sit underneath the table, sharing stories.

"One time," she begins to start another story, "Me, Mommy, and Daddy were at Uncle Mikey's watching his house for him, and when Daddy was sleeping, Uncle Mikey stapled a piece of paper onto Daddy's forehead that had a reminder to feed Bunny."

I burst out laughing, "That's insane!"

"Yeah, now Daddy has a scar on his forehead. At least I think that's what's it from. It could be there from that one time Uncle Frank smashed his guitar over Daddy's head. He slept for three days after that happened."

I slap my hand over my mouth to quiet my laughter.

"What's so funny?" Frank ducks underneath the table and sits with us.

"Nothing..." I say suspiciously.

Frank stares daggers at Bandit, "Did you tell her about my rash?"

I choke on air.

"No, but Ray! Frank has a weird rash on his-"

"Shh! Don't finish that sentence!" Frank squeals.

At this point I'm dying of laughter. I'm assuming my laughter is contagious considering B and Frank start laughing as well.

Gerard appears under the table, "Why are you guys dying under here?"

"No reason." Frank inhales a breath.

"Did you tell her about my rash?"

"Why does everyone have a rash!" I scream, my laughter finally dying down.

"What about my rash?" We hear Steve call from another part of the room.

Gerard squints his eyes and slowly backs out from under the table.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes from laughing so hard.

"So," Frank speaks after one final chuckle, "What are you girls doing under here?"

"I'm just gonna come out and say it. I've idolized everyone in the room, and I don't want to embarrass myself. Knowing me, I embarrass myself a lot."

He tilts his head to the side, "Well, according to Gee and Lindsey, you'll be staying here for a while. Sooner or later we'll be like family, so you should get used to being embarrassed. So, come out and dance with me! What do you say?" He holds his hand out to me.

"No." I say sternly.

"Ug!" Frank groans. "You're such a killjoy!"

"109 in the sky, but the pigs won't quit!" Steve shouts.

"Wait! Hold up!" Gerard's voice calls, followed by running footsteps.

A few minutes later, he comes back into the living room. Frank peers out from under the table, "Oh my God!" He screams, a huge smile on his face.

Curiosity striking me, I mimick Frank and look out from under the table, seeing Gerard dancing around in his Party Poison outfit.

"Na na na na na na na na na na na na na!" Everyone bursts out in song.

Frank crawls out from underneath the table, reaching his hand out to me once he is free from the small escape. A small smile resting on my lips, I take his hand, grabbing Bandit's as well, and he pulls us out.

Once we're out, I feel something soft hitting the back of my head. Before it has a chance to fall to the ground, I spin around and catch the bright red bandana.

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