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I give him a sad smile as he speaks.

"I-I just really like her, you know? But whenever I try making a move, she shoots me down or Chloe gets involved. I just want to know how Max feels about me." He looks down to the ground, "You're friends with Max, am I just wasting my time?" His hair falls in front of his eyes, a deep sigh escaping his lips. I feel bad for him, I really do. He's hopelessly in love with a girl he can't have.

"Look, Warren," I start as gently as possible, "Max only thinks of you as a friend, but there are other girls out there. Maybe it's time for you to move on."

He looks up at me, the color drained from his face, "Thanks for being honest with me, Ray... That's one thing Max never does, tells the truth. At least not to me anyway."

I rest my hand on his shoulder, "It's gonna be okay, Warren. You'll find someone who truley loves you one day."

"There they are!" Chloe's voice comes from behind us.

Warren jumps to his feet and runs off, "War-" I try calling him back over, but he's already gone.

"What's his deal?" Chloe plops down next to me on the fountain, Max sitting on my other side.

"I, uh, I told him that Max only thinks of him as a friend, and now he's pretty bummed." I explain, stressed that I'm stuck in the middle of a weird love triangle.

Max sighs and covers her face with her hands, "Oh man. He must be crushed!"

"Who gives a shit? He's a boy with a crush. So what?" Chloe speaks, a hint of jealousy shining.

"He's still my friend, Chloe." Max glares at her.

Why am I here?

"Then why don't you go hang out with him then?" Chloe snaps, crossing her arms over her chest.
"If you're going to act like this, I will." She stands up, storming towards the direction Warren ran.

"Well shit." I mumble, amused by the situation, "For once, I'm glad I'm single."

"At least I'm not pregnant." Chloe smirks.

I smack her arm, "You're a bitch today."

"It's my best quality."

I roll my eyes at her, "I'll go see if I can find Max and Warren. You coming?" I stand up.

"Nah, I need time to cool off. You go ahead."

I nod before starting my search for the two.
Let's see, Max is a geek, Warren is a nerd... They're probably at a craft store. After scanning the entire mall, I discover there are no craft stores. Maybe...

I walk towards the bathroom. Opening the door, an accidental gasp comes out of my mouth. I step back into the closed door, staring at Max and Warren having an even more intense make out session than the first one I walked in on- Max and Chloe's. At the sound of my back hitting the wooden door, the two jump away from each other, looking like a deer in headlights.

"Don't tell Chloe." Max blurts out loud.

The door pushes behind me, causing me to fly forward, hitting against one of the sinks. I grunt as I hear heavy footsteps enter the bathroom.

"Don't tell Chloe what?" The blue haired girl growls.

Oh fuck.

"N-nothing." Warren steps even further away from Max.

Chloe strides up to him, grabbing him by his shirt and pushing him into the brick wall.

Should I get help? Should I step in. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins and my head is spinning at the sight in front of me.

"What the FUCK did you do to my girlfriend?" She crushes him into the wall, rage and anger radiating off of her.

"C-Chloe, I-I-I"

"You what?!" She shouts.

"Chloe," I decide to step in, "Just take it easy-" I'm taken off guard when she quickly pushes me to the ground, only to pin Warren back against the wall. Tears spring to my eyes as I stare at the enraged teenager. Max drops down next to me.

"Are you okay?" She panics, threats from Chloe, directed at Warren echoing in the background. Her face is full of regret.

"Yeah," I breath, feeling dizzy, "Just make sure she doesn't kill Warren."

She nods and stands up, "Chloe, stop!"

Chloe turns her head to look at Max, "Do you wanna tell me what went on, or do I have to beat it out of him?! Hm, Max?"

"We kissed!"

Chloe's face softens and her gaze trails to the floor as she releases Warren, causing him to stumble around for a few seconds. Her lips curl into a frown, and the color drains from her face. Her eyes even appear to be dimmer and glassier. She shakes her head and stares at Max, "H-how could you?"

"I am so sorry, Chloe-"

"No, I've had enough of everyone fucking lying to me!" She screams as she turns to beat her fists on the wall.

"Chloe-" Max strains.

"Save it," She turns back around, fists covered in bruises, "I thought you were different, Max. I really did." With her head hanging low, she opens the bathroom door, "Have fun with Warren." Is the last thing she says before walking out.

I stare up at Warren and Max, both at the verge of tears. From my back pocket, I feel my phone vibrate, but I choose to ignore it, standing up and hugging Max instead. My t-shirt sleeve slowly dampens as she cries onto my shoulder, Warren a mess in the corner. I rub her back as she releases her pain, each sob deeper than the last.

"Max..." Warren whispers.

Max pulls away, but she doesn't look at Warren, "Just leave, Warren."

Without arguing, he exits the bathroom, eyes to the ground.

As he exits, another enters. I turn around.

"Mo- Lindsey?" I catch myself.

"Why didn't you answer your phone? I was outside, and I thought something happened!" She scolds, worry on her features. She looks at Max and her face softens, "Oh, honey... Are you okay?" She asks her.

Max takes a deep breath, trying to control herself, but she fails, another sob escaping as she drops her head onto my shoulder, "N-no."

"Hey, Linds, would it be okay if Max stays over at our house tonight? We, uh need some girl time." I quickly ask, knowing Max will be having a difficult time being alone.

"I-I don't see why not. Just make sure it's okay with her parents." Linds responds, deciding to gently rub Max's arm.

With a confused glance, the three of us leave the bathroom, my head a mess from what I just experienced.

My Second ChanceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ