Forgotten Phones and a Broken Nose

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The only thing I hear besides my crying and the murmur of confused consumers is Sydney storming out of the diner after Jason. The worst part is that I'm head over heals for him, and he hates me. God, I fucked up.

The click of heals coming towards me alarms me, but I keep my head down, embarrassed to show my face to whomever sat down across from me.

"Can I buy you a coffee?" A woman's voice offers. The voice is really familiar, but my mind is too clouded to think of who it could be.

I shake my head, sniffling.

"You sure? You really look like you could use it."

I look up, eyes widening at the woman in front of me. Her red lips curl into a small smile, eyes bright.

"Oh my god," I breath, "You're Lindsey Way..."

"I know who I am," She teases, chuckling at herself, "And you are?"

"My-my name is Razor... Razor Haven. But you can call me Ray." I try speaking properly but find myself tripping over my words.

"That is the coolest fucking name ever!" She exclaims.

"Thanks. I was named after a video game."

She smiles, "So, can I buy you a coffee?"

"Yeah, I guess." I mumble, trying to controll my breathing.

"Super!" She raises her hand and signals a waitress, "Can I get two coffees, please?"

"Two coffees coming right up!" The waitress cheers then struts into the kitchen.

"Who's the boy?" Lindsey rests her elbows on the table, eyebrows raised in interest.

"Oh... He's- He's um, my ex boyfriend." I answer, my voice cracking, "I'm sorry." I apologize for letting a few tears shed.

She stands up and opens her arms, "Want a hug?"

I nod, stand up, and except the offer. Her hand rubs my back, "He looked like a dork anyway."

I pull away and laugh, the both of us sitting back down. I wipe the tears off my cheeks and take a deep breath, "Thanks for that."

"For pointing out the obvious?"

I laugh once again at her comment just as the waitress returns with our coffees.

I pick up my mug and add the right amount of sugar and creamer, seeing as Lindsey drinks hers black.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing in Pennsylvania?" I question after taking a sip of coffee.

"I was visiting some family up in New York, so I'm just passing by on my way back to California." She answers, taking a sip of coffee once she finishes.

Before I can speak again, my keys are dropped onto the table. Looking up, I see Syd smirking, blood on her knuckles, "I got your keys... I also may have broken his nose," she turns her head and meets gaze with Lindsey, "Holy fuck..."

Lindsey waves then looks back at me, "Stick with this one, kid."

I smile at her, "I plan to."

With a sigh, she pulls out her wallet and puts $7.00 on the table, "It was really great meeting you, but I'm afraid I must continue my journey back home."

"Wait," I stop her, "Would you mind if we take a few pictures before you go?"

She flicks her hand, "Not at all."

I remove my phone from my flannel pocket, and she slings her arm around my shoulder, a smile on her face. I capture a few photos then thank her before she walks out.

"Did we really just meet Lindsey Way?" Syd asks, sounding mesmerized by the day's events.

"She was so cool!" I shout, completely shoving Jason to the back of my mind.

"I know right!" Syd looks down at the table, "Hey, what's that?"

I look over and see a black iPhone resting on the seat Lindsey was sitting in. I pick it up, "This must be her phone! Hurry, we might be able to catch her!" I exclaim while dashing into the parking lot.

Scanning every car, Lindsey is not in any of them. She's already gone.

"Shit." I sigh, looking down at the phone. "There must be someway to get it back to her."

"Does it have a lock on it?" Syd comments, crossing her arms over her chest. I press down on the home button and swipe the screen, revealing that there is a lock. I nod, biting down one of my finger nails.

"Um, try her birthday?" Syd suggests. I type in the numbers, and the phone vibrates.


"Gerard's birthday?" I attempt that idea, but it isn't it either.

"Not that either."

"Bandit's birthday."

I type in the numbers, but it didn't work.

I shake my head, trying to think if the possible combination.

Gerard and Lindsey's anniversary.
I type in their anniversary date, and to my surprise, the phone unlocks, "I got it!" I screech.

Now all we have to do is figure out how to get the phone back to Lindsey.

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