What's so Scary About Ryan Ross?

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(A/N: Happy Birthday, Bandit!)

By the time I woke up, Bandit was still curled up next to me. Carefully, I get out of bed, not waking her, and head downstairs, following the scent of pancakes.

I enter the kitchen, seeing Gerard hovering over the stove, his back turned to me. This is the perfect opportunity to give him a scare. My hands arched in front of me, I tip toe up to him.

"Ryan Ross!" I shout in his ear, poking his back at the same time.
He lets out a terrified shriek, spinning around trying to smack me with his spatula. I jump back, smirk on my face. He clutches his chest with his hand, breathing hitched.

"Oh my fucking God!" He exclaims, "You were this close," he holds his fingers up, leaving a tiny gap in between them, "from having a spatula scar on your cheek!"

I laugh, "That would be a cool story to tell."

He lets out a strained chuckle then clears his throat, "D-do you like pancakes?"

"Is D&D the best game ever?" I answer his question with a question.


"Then there's your answer."

"Gerard, did the neighbor's cat get inside again? I heard you scream?" Lindsey's tired voice speaks from the bottom of the stairs.

She approaches us in the kitchen, "No," I answer for him, "I just scared the daylights out of him. Well, technically Ryan Ross scared him, by the way, Gerard, what's so scary about Ryan Ross?"

He doesn't answer, he just turns away and continues to cook. Lindsey walks around me and kisses Gerard on the cheek, mumbling a "Good morning" before turning to the fridge. She pulls out milk and apple juice, holding them up in front of her.

"Apple." I say, knowing she wanted me to choose one.

She nods and returns the milk to the fridge.

Suddenly, all of us jump as we hear a blood churning scream come from upstairs.

"Bandit!" The three of us shout in unison, racing up the stairs.
I'm the first to get in her room, seeing her crying on her bed.

"Ray!" She cries.

I rush up to her, cradling her in my arms. Lindsey and Gerard stand in the doorway, Linds so frightened she has her hand over her mouth.

"Shh, B. It's okay. What's wrong?" I speak softly, carrassing her hair.

"I-I woked up an-and you weren't here! I thought the B-Boogeyman got you!" She sobs into my chest. 

"No, no, B! Look, I'm fine! Mommy and Daddy are okay too, see? The Boogeyman isn't going to hurt you or anyone, sweetie. It's okay; we're all right here, and we aren't going anywhere. I promise." I calm her down, and she sniffles.

Gee and Linds walk into the room now, Gee holding out his hands. I hand over his daughter and him and Linds smother her with kisses and sentences like "It's okay." or "Daddy and Mommy are here."

I smile at the moment, but my happiness turns into shock as Gee shifts B to his one arm, extending his free arms to me, motioning me to join the family.
With a smile on my face, I step into the group, and we create a giant hug full of warmth and love. We remain like this for at least a minute before Gee pulls away and sets Bandit on her feet.
"The pancakes!" At that very moment, a fire alarm goes off.

Gerard dashes downstairs, and I follow, ignoring Lindsey's warnings to remain upstairs with her and Bandit because it could be dangerous.
Flames are shooting from the pan of charred pancakes, and Gerard is, well, screaming like a three year old girl. I scan the kitchen, eyeing a fire extinguisher above the sink. I race over and grab it, throwing it at Gerard. By now, the flames have spread to the curtains hanging above the stove. Gerard sprays at the stove, putting most of the fire to rest, however the curtains continue to burn.
With a sigh, I approach the burning cloth, tearing it from the window and throwing it to the floor, pulling the sink hose and extinguishing the flames with water.

Without warning, Gerard's arms wrap around me and pull me from the smoking material, "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"I-I'm fine." I force, trying not to scream in pain from the burning sensation on my left wrist. While grabbing the curtains, my wrist got far too close to the fire, and from the glimpse I caught of it before Gerard pulled me away, it is most definitely second degree.

"Linds!" Gerard calls, "It's safe to come down!" 

Not long after that, Lindsey comes downstairs, Bandit in her arms.

"Did anyone get hurt?" She asks.

"No." I answer, realizing Gerard still has me in a protective grip.

He seems to realize to, because he quickly releases me and takes a step back.

"So... You want to go out for breakfast?"

My Second ChanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin