Lost Girl

168 13 9

Lindsey's POV

I feel pain build in my chest as silent tears slip from Ray's eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Ray." I whisper, grabbing onto her hand.

She wraps her arms around my shoulders and pulls me into her, taking me in a tight hug, which I return. She sobs into my neck, "Mom, I'm such a fuck up."

I pull my head back to look her in the eyes, "Oh, honey, no. This is not your fault. Don't even think that for a minute."

She chokes on another sob, more tears flowing from her eyes, "Why is this happening to m-me? My parents die, I get kicked out of school, I get raped, I lose a child! What's next? I lose you and Gerard and B? I'd fucking be lost. You g-guys are all I have left."

I stroke her cheek, "You're not gonna lose us, Ray. We love you very, very much, okay? You're our family now. If not by blood, then by love. Not only us, but Jimmy, Kitty, Steve, Ray, Frank, Mikey, Chantie, Frances,and so many more."

She gives me a sad smile before we hear a knock on the door. Jimmy and Chantie run in, practically attacking Ray with hugs and kisses, causing her to laugh. That's the first time I've heard her laugh in a while...

"Hey, Ray Bae. I'm so sorry." Jimmy bellows, grabbing Ray's hand.

"It'll be okay, Ray." Chantie adds.

"Thanks, guys..." Ray trails off.

Chantie wipes the tears from Ray's cheeks, "Babe, you can refer to us as Aunt Chantie and Uncle Jimmy if you want."

Her eyes widen with joy, "I didn't know I meant that much to you for you to think of me as a niece."
"Of course you do, kid!" Jimmy beams, scruffing up her black hair.

While Jimmy amuzes Ray, Chantie aproaches me with a hug, "Hey, Linds. How you holding up?"

We pull away from each other, "It's not me you should be worried about." I whisper, nodding my head towards Ray.

"It's such an awful thing to happen. She's so young..."

"She doesn't deserve all of the pain being thrown at her."

Chantie nods, "So, have you talked to Gee?"

"Yeah, he and the guys are flying back from South Carolina. They're postponing three days of the tour to be here. They should be here in two hours or so." I answer, sighing at the headache I have, "Can you do me a favor?"


"Can you get B Bear and Ray's friend, Max, and bring them in? They're in the waiting room."

"Sure thing." She smiles before exiting the room.

She returns a few minutes later with the girls, and they immediately run up to Ray.

"Oh, thank God you're alive!" Max shouts, relief in her features.

B climbs up and cuddles up with Ray, "I thought I wasn't going to have a sissy anymore."

Ray's lip curls into a smile, "Don't worry about me, Beezle. You're stuck with me." She kisses her forehead.

I smile at the two, Ray really does make a great sister for my B. She makes a great daughter. After nearly losing her, I now know I want her to be a perminant part of our family.


Everyone has fallen asleep except for me, my brain is still trying to comprehend everything, causing me to stay awake.
I look up when the doorknob rattles and Gerard enters, shock on his face. I jump to my feet and run up to him, taking him in a tight hug. While he's in my arms, I notice he's shaking.

He pulls away, kissing me passionatley for a good five seconds.

"I thought we lost her." His voice cracks.

"She's still here, baby."

He turns his head to observe Ray, and a sigh of relief escapes his lips, "I've grown really attached to her in these past six months, Linds."

"So have I, Gee. I want to make her part of the family, officially." I stare into his eyes.

"I totally agree. When should we do this?"

"Why wait? We almost lost her already, we don't have time to wait. Let's do this now."


Hey guys! There's only one more chapter to this left!

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