Get the Dick out of your Ass and STFU

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I reach up and grab a box of Cornflakes, pouring some into a bowl.

"Gerard, you're full of shit! DC is way better than Marvel!" Linds argues with Gerard at the kitchen table.

I turn to face them so I can observe.

"No way, Marvel kicks DC's ass!" He sneers, taking a sip of his coffee. I take a bite of my Cornflakes, highly amused.

"Oh yeah, name one character who isn't a stereotypical superhero!"

Oh, shots fired.

"The Incredible Hulk. He's out of the ordinary." He smirks, resting his chin on his fist.

"Yeah? You may have Hulk, but DC has Harley Quinn." Lindsey adds.

"Can you two shut up," I speak up, "you're getting your bad vibes in my Cornflakes."

Gerard bursts into a fit of laughter as well as Lindsey.

"Can I tweet that?" Gerard asks, picking his phone up from the table.

"Will I be given credit?"


"Then go for it." I give him permission, shoving another spoonful in my mouth.

"Keep your bad vibes out of my Cornflakes." he mumbles as he types.

My phone buzzes from the counter, notifying me that he just tweeted.

"Mommy!" Bandit calls from upstairs, "I can't find my backpack!"

"I put it on the coat rack, sweetie."

Bandit comes trampling down the stairs, going to the coat rack in the living room. She grabs her backpack.

"Am I taking her or are you?" Linds questions Gerard.

He stands up, grabbing his car keys, "I'll take her. B, you ready?"


Gerard walks into the living room with Bandit, and I soon hear the front door opening and closing.

"So," Linds sighs, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm um, I'm getting there- slowly." I answer.

"I'm glad to hear, kid. I have a question."

"Shoot." I take another bite of my Cornflakes.

"How would you feel about going to school. I mean, I think it would be good for you to interact with people other than us. Make some friends?" She speaks, taking a sip of coffee once she finishes.

"I-I don't know, Linds. How do you think a California high school would react to a new girl who happens to be pregnant?"

"I'm not encouraging it, but you still have a few weeks to decide whether or not you want to get an abortion..." She says softly.

I look down, "I'll be just as bad as Jason if I steal the life of an innocent."

She stands up and rests her hand on my shoulder, "Sweetheart, I know that this is hard on you, but you need to make the desicion that you think will benefit both you and your baby."

"I know." I give her a quick hug, for myself. It's true, I'm slowly getting better, however I'm pretty broken- still trying to find all of my pieces and mend myself back together. 

She kisses the top of my head, "You'll make the right decision. Oh, and let me know about school when you figure out what you want to do. I'm gonna go take a shower; I have an interview I have to get ready for. If you need me, you know where I am." She pulls away, putting her coffee mug in the sink before making her way into the upstairs bathroom.

Just as I hear the bathroom door close, my phone starts going off.


I answer, "Hey."

"Why haven't you called me?" Her voice is angry.

"I-I'm sorry; a lot's happened." I sigh, running a hand through my tangled hair.

"Clearly it's more important than me." She huffs. I can hear her pacing.

"Syd, you don't understand-"

"I understand perfectly! Now that your in L.A. with a bunch of famous people, you have no use for me anymore!" She shouts.

"N-No, Sydney! That's not it at all! I-"

"You what? I don't need to hear your lame excuses." She snaps before the line goes silent.

Fabulous. Just-fucking-fabulous!

I open up my text messages, going into her tab. I have too much going on right now to deal with some shitty teen.

R: I can't fucking believe you right now! You have absolutely no idea what I've been through since I've got here, so shut your God damn mouth! I don't know who fucked you in the ass and pulled out too soon, but you have no right to call me to bitch at me. If you were my friend, you would drop the shitty attitude, and see things eye to eye with me, but NO! You're too much of a narcissistic asshole to even ask me how I am. You have my number, YOU could've texted me, but nope, you had to have a bitch fit. Do me a favor and fuck off. Call me when you get the stick out of your ass. XO.

I grin at myself once I hit send. Damn, are the hormones hitting already? Fuck it. I don't give a damn.


Yo! So... I don't even know why I made this chapter XD Anyway, do you guys prefer Marvel or D.C.?

(I like D.C. more- though I'm excited that Gerard is making comics for Marvel now)

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