Chapter 4. The Truth Hurts.

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Lucas' P.O.V.

'I don't wanna be anything other than what I've been tryna be lately, all I can do is think of me and my piece of mind. I'm tired of looking round' rooms wondering what I gotta do, or who I'm suppose to be, I don't wanna be anything other than... me'.

I sang to the words as I walk up to my one story house, walking thriugh the door that connects to the kitchen.

"Hey Lucas, I didn't know you'd be home early". My mom says while chopping up what seems like a tomato.

"Yeah me either". I say taking out my headphones.

"Oh, honey you got a package from someone, its in your room". She says.

"By who"? I ask. I didn't really expect anything today, ever really.

"I'm not sure, no adress on the package, you'll just have to find out". She says turning around and smiles at me.

I walk to my room and see the neatly packed box. I sit down on my bed taking out my pocket knife and opening it. Only to reveal a basketball jersey with my last name "Scott" on it. I take off my grey hoodie and put it on over my white muscle shirt.

"Nice". I whisper to myself as I look at it in the mirror beside my bed.

"Lucas dinners rea-"

I turn around to see my mom standing there wondering what I'm doing.

"Take that off". She says.

"Mom"... I start.

"No, take it off". She demands as she walks out of the room. I look back into the mirror. I take it off and put it back in the box, knowing exactly who it was that sent it. Coach Knight.

*The Next Day*

"Coach". I begin as I walk into Coach Knights office.

He looks up at me with his wrinkly face just smiling.

"Hey Lucas how's my favorite boy"? He asks.

"I know you did it".

"Did what Lucas"? He asks.

"You know exactly what... you know I'm not going to join this team, and you know exactly why". I say.

"Wait". He says.

I look at him suspiciously.

"Wait a minute, did Keith set you up to this"? I ask.

"Yes Lucas but..".

"But nothing". I say.

"Lucas, you have a true talent... you can't let Dan and his boy take that away from you". Coach says.

"Yes I can coach... he shouldn't have abandoned me and my mother and not give a rats ass to even give her money to support us... but he abandoned me.. his own son". I start.

"And while he and Nathan get everything, being the stuck up assholes they are, my mom and I get absolutely nothing, and he laughs in our face, Its all a joke to him".

"Lucas... I know what Dan did, and he had no right to do it.. and he made a bad mistake.. but you... you have a talent Lucas... a talent any kid with a dream to be a professional basketball player would want... why waist it"? He asks.

"Because coach, I don't want people to think I take after him and play basketball just because he did". I say and turn to walk away.

"Lucas". Coach says.

"Please, just think about it".

I turn around.

"Nothing will change my mind". I say and continue the rest of the day thinking of what would happen if he would've never abandoned me and my mother. What would happen if he never met Deb and had Nathan. What would happen if he never had me.

Forever The Love, Never The Change. (A Austin Mahone/ Chad Michael Murray story)Where stories live. Discover now