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"Kisame what are we going to do?" I yell at him trying to avoid kunai.

"I don't know yet!" He yelled back

You are flying through the trees behind Kisame, losing a comrade every minute. We finally come to a stop at the edge of a cliff.

"Oh no what are we going to do?" One man panics, pacing back and forth.

"I don't know!" Miru replies scarcely.

With one these two left it shouldn't be hard to protect them, but sure enough the entire Leaf division caught up to you.

"Damn it!"  You mumbled.

"Kisame what now?" You turn your head at look at the shark man.

"Stay behind me." He whispers to me.

"It's no use!" A voice said emerging from the crowd.

"Ibiki!" You mumbled, clenching your fists to the sound of his name.

"We've got you surrounded there's no way you can escape. Give up and we'll let you live!" Ibiki explains to us.

Sure enough we are surrounded by 10 no 20 Leaf ninja with swords drawn and ready to strike. Kisame had already draw his katana, ready to defend the others. But instead...

"I'll never give up! And you won't take anyone!" Kisame yells

Next something happen that will forever scar you. He raised his sword and sliced across the mans chest. You closed your eyes in the pain that he felt. Next was Miru. A slice across the chest was not enough for her.

"M-Mr. Hoshigaki." She cried. Then Kisame finished her off with a stab to the neck.

By that time the Leaf had backed off, but when Kisame was done they started  to inch closer.

"Didn't you forget one?" Ibiki points at me.

Kisame turns around and looks at me.

"No I'll never hurt [Name]!" Kisame yells at Ibiki.

Something struck your heart. It started to beat faster and faster. Your breathing increased dramatically.

What's happening to me. What is this.

You look down at your trembling hands.

What's wrong with me.

"[Name] let's go!" Kisame yells pulling me from my thoughts.

Kisame backs up almost pushing me off the edge of the cliff.

"There's no where to run." Ibiki laughs

"As far as you know." Kisame smirks

Kisame turns around standing over me staring at me with with his small shark like eyes. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me in a tight embrace.

"Ready?" He whispers.

My heart racing even faster. I nod my head at hug him tight and place my head in the crook of his neck. Tears stream my face.

We take flight off the cliff falling at a tremendous speed. Kisame holding me tight in his grip not letting go until we crash.

Before we hit the ground Kisame stabs his sword into the rocky side of the cliff to break the fall. Screeching sounds bounce off the wall piercing my every inner being. We land safely on the ground. I'm still embraced in Kisame's arms.

"Kisame?" I mumble

"Hn." He shifts and looks at me.

"Why did you kill everyone?" I questioned.

"Because I had to protect the code." He answers.

"The why did you save me?" I look into his eyes, tears streaming my own.

"Because I..." He was interrupted by a loud crash coming from the other side of the small, tight space we were crammed in. A giant ugly creature flying over ahead starts shooting acid at us.

"Water style: Water shark bomb jutsu!" Kisame figured hand signs and a shark formed from the ground crashing into the creature taking it down in on swoop.

"C'mon let's go." I grabbed Kisame's hand and started to run towards the direction of the Mist.

"Wind style: Wild wings!" I shout and wings form on my back and we take off into the air. (I have no idea why I said that)⬆️

"Hold on! We are almost at the top!" I said struggling to hold on to Kisame's hand.
I hope I didn't take I long. If you're into Fairy Tail please read the other story. I think it's really good, I loved it and I hope you do to!

Let's go! (Kisame x reader) lemon twist Where stories live. Discover now