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Kisame woke up before you did. Slowly creeping out of bed, trying not to wake you. You squirmed a bit, but only because the lack of Kisame's body heat, keeping you warm during your slumber.

<Kisame POV>

I walked out quietly to the kitchen. The floors were very creaky from the humidity in the village. Tippy toeing the rest I the way to the fridge, I grabbed some eggs, bacon, hash brows, and other breakfast items. I slowly walked towards the cabinet where pots at pans are stored and quickly, and quietly, grabbed a pan to fry up some delicious breakfast. Though I haven't ever really cooked before, I will try my best.

I start by cooking up some hash browns, it went pretty well actually.
Alright they're done. Plates! I scurried over the the dishes. I struggled to find a plate. Aha! I finally found a plate. I creeped back over to the hot pan, luckily the hash browns didn't burn. I transferred the hash browns to the plate, not without dropping a bit on the floor.

Next were the eggs. I cracked two eggs in a bowl and whisked it with some milk. I picked out the little egg shell left behind. I slowly poured the eggs in the steaming pan. The eggs crackled and popped in the hot pan. You needed a spatula. I quickly grabbed the spatula in the tall container you keep beside your stove. Spatula in left hand, pan in the other, you carefully flipped the eggs. The spatula screeched against the pan, signaling it was burnt. Damn it. It's okay, I don't think she'll notice. 

Next came the bacon. Mmm bacon. You threw 4 bacon strips on the pan. As soon as the bacon hit the pan it crying as the heat cooked the raw meat. You knew for sure that this bacon would be the best out of all of the foods. It would shine on the plate. As the bacon was cooking you decided to check on [Name]. You cracked open the door. Sounds asleep. A smiled formed across your face. You closed the door and proceeded back to the kitchen. You stopped by the fridge to grab milk and apple. You grabbed a knife and a cutting board started to cut the apple. The slices may not have all been the same size, but you were satisfied. You smelled something burning. It took you a second... Shit! Shit! Shit! You turned your attention to the frying pan. Rushing over you look at the 'crispy' bacon the the pan. Still sizzling, you get a fork and try to get it out. The grease attacking you hand. Ouch, god damnit! How do people do this daily? You finally got the four, 'crispy', pieces of bacon out of the pan. You immediately take the pan to the sink as turn on the water. The water jumping off the pan. You just decide to turn off the water so you didn't wake [Name]. I look at the plate of food I prepared, not the best. But hopefully she won't notice. You put a glass of milk and everything is set. You place everything on a carrying tray. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, apples, and some milk. I think she will enjoy it. :D. You walked down the small hallway with tray in hand. You pushed the door open with your foot, to your surprise [Name] was awake.

"Oh you're awake!"

"Yup. What's that you got there?" She pointed at the tray of food.

"I made you breakfast. Heh." A blush formed on your face.

"Awe thanks babe!" She smiled

You walked over to her and placed the tray of food on her lap. She looked at it and then looked back at you.

"I know I'm not a really good cook." I chuckled.

"I can see that. Do you want me to show you how?" She offered.

"Uh yeah, that would be nice." I laughed, scratching my head.

"Alrighty let's get to it!" She handed me the tray and proceeded to get out of bed.

She stretched ever so slightly. Starting with her arms above her head and arching her back. I got to see some of that beautiful skin. Maybe even a bit of a peek show. Heh. My teeth sliding against each other. Maybe a little hard already.


I look over at her, making eyes contact.

"Can you please get out so I can get dressed?"

"Oh yeah! I can do that." I was shocked as to why I was still standing there in the first place.

I left the bedroom and went back to the kitchen and placed the tray of food on the counter. I went around and sat at the breakfast bar and waited for [Name] to come out of the bedroom.

Let's go! (Kisame x reader) lemon twist Where stories live. Discover now