chapter 8

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Carly is four months pregnant!!!!

Its been about five weeks since i was all depressed and shit about doing this pregnant thing alone, but i had to face the facts and get my ass off my bed and tear away from ass away from the tv. My last five weeks have consisted of walking to work bartending and waitressing since i had to pick up extra shifts ro cover my future baby expenses i probably could have been able to live off of what i was making before but i was blessed with having twins, 'yay'. "Carly ... carly ...CARLY " someone shouted at me snapping out of my thoughts. I looked up at my boss, he was pretty decent looking. He had one of those hipster beards, pretty dark brown eyes, and he was pretty tall. He was over all good looking but i just never noticed. "So when are you due kid" he asked looking up from the beer mug he was drying off. I looked down at my ever growing baby bump and unconsciously rubbed my belly in circles. "Um i think may 23 " i sighed. It was six months away and every second that passed by was giving me a panic attack. "CARLY " he shouted again. I jumped "god sorry i spaced out" i said with a small smile. He laughed, it was a good down to earth hearty chuckle that was very attractive. "So you busy after work? Want to catch a bite?maybe" he said,avoiding eye contact. I smiled "is Taylor asking little old me out on a date " i smirked as i finished wiping the dark hardwood bar off. He looked down and i swear if he didn't have a beard he might have been slightly blushing. He laughed "i guess you could call you that" he chuckled. I swear his laugh was contagious. "Well tonight im going baby shopping and Tommorow im looking at apartments considering my beloved studio will not be able to fit to of everything " i chatted on. "But i think i have friday free" i said looking up at him. He smiled "that should work" he chuckled. "You sure you want to go out with a double pregnant lady" i joked. He Laughed "absolutely". He said grinning at me. I grinned back "Its a date " i said. I looked up at the clock "shit" i mumbled taking off my shirt leaving me in the under t-shirt i put on this morning. I grabbed my purse that i had set at my feet stuffing my shirt in my bag and grabbing my coat that was draped over the bar to my left. I put down my purse on thw counter,putting on my coat and grabbing it. "Bye tay" i said walking around the bar tobthe little exit between that one and the other one. He waved "see you Tommorow and Friday " he said with a wink. I laughed as i walked out of the pub and down the street to go meet at steff house. She promised to go with me baby shopping and help pick some stuff out for the twins.

I walked into her apartment "honey im home"i yelled. "In the kitchen " steffs voice cherpert. I walked into the kitchen setting my purse on the counter and hopping up next to it. She was wearing leggings and a pretty white thick but loosely knitted long sleeve cardigan with a pretty thick orange scarf. "Ready to go babe" i said. She nodded as she grabbed her coat and keys along woth her purse.

We walked into the corny baby store named "babys place" which sounded almost like a strip club but what ever it looked like it was kinda cheap. The little bell on the door wrang once we stepped inside and a chirpy cashier called out to us "welcome to babys place ill be over here just ask if you have any questions" she said. I nodded and gave her Tight smile. As me and steff walked over to the girl clothes isle. "So you know taylor who works at the pub" i asked steff "ya" she replied as we were on opposite sides looking threw the rack of tiny clothes. "Well he asked me out earlier " i said trying to hide my smile that crawled on my face. A smile ignited one her face telling me i was in for alot of questions. "OMG isnt he that cute hipster lumberjack looking guy that always making googly eyes at you- ohh what did you say- We're you going- is he fine your preg-" she tried i cut her off though
"yes he's the hipster one,
No he doesn't make googly eyes at me,
I dont know but its friday,
And yes now can we please look at clothes" I asked. She glared at me "yes but your telling me on the way back missy" she said. I rolled my eyes "ok" i said childishly. She smiled "damn right" she said. I looked threw the tiny clothes they were all so adorable but let me tell you that shit was expensive. I picked out only one outfit for each, a turquoise-ish blue infant body suit with a little black tutu and a matching same blue and black flower headband thing it was between that and a adorable little body suit that said 'im a brat but im adorable so its ok' on it but it was too Much so owell . That'll be "34.59" the lady said folding up the clothes and putting them in a bag while i grabbed my credit card since i didn't have any cash with me. We walked out of the store "want to go get some pizza" i asked looking over at steff who was hidding in her thick ass coat. I dont know how she lived here i mean she was freaking made to be in the sun and sand but instead she lived in new york were like 70% of the time its snowy or raining or bitter ass cold. She nodded still completely engulfed in her warm looking coat. "So hows it going with Keith" i looked at her she looked
At the ground "i mean he's been really confusing lately i mean he keeps saying he wants to spend the rest of his life with me and to settle down with kids..... But i mean he wont ask me to,marry him, and im not gonna push him to do so im not like that, but at the same time its like come on dude im not getting any younger" she blurted out. I nodded taking it all in "maybe he,has something planed or is even waiting for the perfect moment or even maybe he is looking at rings" i suggested. She shrugged "all i know is he better ask soon otherwise I dont know how much longer i can take this" she huffed. I nodded we were outside my apartment "ill see you Tommorow babe" i said hugging her "and you,never know maybe he'll do it soon " i said as i waved goodbye. I opened the door and walked down the hallway till u reached my door. I unlocked it opening up the door. There was a loud bang making me jerk the rest of the door swung open my heart stopped. It was abusive ex. He was trashing my apartment. He looked up as i started to back away i was,completely and utterly scared. He stormed over to me and yanked me in by my hair. I screamed in pain i feared,for mh life,and my babies. I,knew,what he could do, and i knew what he would do. "You bitch i see you got yourself pregnant, huh you slut... How about i kill that one and put my own inside you bitch" i shuttered at that thought and what he said, I knew he would. He slapped my making me whimper. Pushed me down and i winced as my head collided with the coffee table, i instantly got a migraine from it and my eyes started to hurg as well. My adrenaline was going crazy, my heart rate was ecstatic, all i could think of was getting away. He bent down and pulled my hair pushing mh head to his as he smashed my lips to his. He tastes like sweat and whiskey making my belly churn with anxiety and disgust. I didn't kiss back and he yanked away as he slapped me. I gasped at the pain. And i felt blood drip down from my hair. He yanked my head down "you bitch im gonna kill you and your damn fetus" he yelled he stood back as tears started to form. I screamed for help, he had left the door open in his drunken rage maybe someone would save me. Just as i gave up hope and john was about to kick my stomach with all the force he could muster up. Christian came barreling into the room. With johns leg up ready to kick he was off balance and was knocked down. All i saw was Christian on top of him beating the shit out of him punching with all his might. I felt dizzy and. Started to see white and black spots surrounding me.

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