chapter eleven

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I glared at Christian, "no" i growled. He popped his head out of the hallway and smirked at me "yes" he copied my tone. I glared harder if it was even possible, "no" i spat. He smirked and walked up to me and picked me up bridal style. I struggled tryto get away but he kept his grip. "Yes" he smirked cockily. I growled in annoyance, and crossed my arms as he carried me down the hallway that was filled with doors. "No, extra rooms my ass" i mumbled, as his chest rumbled under my chest. "You have a cute ass you know" he stated. I glared at him"i wouldn't know considering im not a self-centered ass like you " i said in my best bitchy voice i could muster up. He smirked even more what is up with this guy dose my pissyness bring him joy? He placed me on the bed. "Ive got to make some calls ill be in my office if you need me your clothes are already put in the closest, and towels are under the sink in the bathroom, you need a shower your smell " he played plugging his nose. I glared as he walked away laughing. I groaned as i walked to the bathroom. It was strange i had been here many times but i never used his bathroom. There was a gigantic two person tub and a walk in shower to the left of it. There was. Twin sinks sitting on black marble counters and dark wood floors. I grabbed a towel from were he said they were, and put it on the towel rack next to the tub. I turned the handle as steaming water started to fill the tub. I peeled off my clothes tossing them in the dirty laundry hamper. I watched the girl looking back at me, she had bruises plastering her legs and chest. Thank god my babies are ok. I looked,down to my thankfully unharmed belly. Cradling it. I sighed this is my life now. I walked to the tub shutting the water off and easing into the hot water, i didn't want it steaming cause i didn't know if it. Would affect the babies. I layed against the back of the tub and closed my eyes, god i was exhausted.....

Christian barged in making me jump and cover my exposed areas. I glared at him "ever heard of knocking?" i spat at him. He smirked "nothing i haven't seen before" he smirked looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes realizing i forgot my pjs. "Can you get some pjs i forgot to grab some" i said yawning. He smirked with a tinkle "do i get to pick?" i rolled my eyes "i didn't pack any lingerie " i rolled my eyes, fighting the urge to blush. He smirked "i might have snuck some in " i said grinning. "Just get me some damn clothes please!" i shouted trying not to laugh. He nodddd looking me up and down before leaving "take a picture it will last longer" i yelled after him. He popped his head back in the doorway "thats a option?" he smirked wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh my goooooddddd, get me some clothes please" i was really close to throwing a fit. He laughed leaving and coming back with his shirt and my black boyshort undies. I raised a eyebrow "thats not my shirt and what about bottoms" i questioned. "Well i want you to wear my shirt" he stated proudly. I rollex my eyes as he sat them down and left. I grabbdd the towel, drying my body off and putting on the clothes, just for tonight. Christian was in bed. I looked around the firmilar bedroom, it was painted a deep grey, with a plain white soft comforter that i would die for. There was the same dark hard wood floors. Woth a tv mounted on the wall next to the bathroom. Christian was laying in bed in nothing but his boxers. He had his lamp on and was reading. Damn he looked hot. I crawled into the bed next to him, but still distance between us. "Watcha reading" i asked. He shrugged his shoulders. Thats when I realized the book was upside down. I rolled my eyes and smirked, taking the book and flipping it over. His cheeks turned a pinkish red but quickly faded away. I smirked reaching over him and turning the light out as i got on my side of the bed and fell asleep surrounded by the cool blanket.

Our "Perfect" Family.... NOTWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt