chapter sixteen

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Me and Christian walked hand in hand Into Applebees. I wore a blue and white stripped maternity sundress. He wore a black v neck and pants, like always. Stacy and Keith waited already at a booth locking faces. I luaghed as we got there they pulled away, and Stacy. Blushed as Keith put a kiss on her right temple. Christian slid in first me following. "Hey babe" i said to Stacy, "i feel as if u haven't seen you in forever" she laughed. I smiled "i know im completely fat no " i laughed. "Hows it going " Keith asked. Christians arm wrapped around my neck and i automatically sinked into his side. "Well we went to the docters the other day and she said we should expect the baby very soon" Christian said. I smiled and rubbes my belly. He kissed the top of my head. "We fot the twins room set up in the apartment, you guys should drop by to see it sometime " i said. They nodded "we should" stace said. The waitress came buy "welcome to applebees, you guys ready to order?" she asked. Stacy nodded "ill have the country steak salad, and a tea " she said. "Ill have the deluxe bacon burger,fries,and a coke" Keith said. "Ill have a guacamole bacon burger, and pepsi" i said. "Ill have the same and a two orders of fries" Christian said. "Pepsi too" she said not bothering to look up. "Yes" Christian said. She left and came back five minutes later with the drinks. "Your food will be done shortly " she said before walking off. "I am so glad that stupid bimbo didn't come take our order like she does usually, she always, she cant get it threw her thick head, he's mine" stacy said laying her head on Keiths shoulder. He smiled "and your mine, i geel the same way about the guy at the icecream shop" he said. I smiled and Christian kissed me on the temple. A cramp went threw me, starting from my lower back and then down my belly to my thighs. I buckled over causing the attention on me. I gasped from the pain just as it slithered away leaving a dull ache. I slowly sat back up Christian looking at me with concern filled his eyes. "Just a contraction " i groaned. He nodded "should i call the docter?" he asked. I shook my head "no ill be fine" he shook his head "i think im gonna call her" he said. I rolled my eyes "ok" i said. I got out letting him walk outside to call her. I scooted into my spot. I looked out the window, Christian was there talking on his phone swinging his arms around. I noticed he did that whenever he got into a conversation. I took a sip of my Pepsi before putting it down. Christian came back in and i moved so he could get in. "She said if the become seven minutes or so apart she want me to call her and take you to the hospital " he said. "Holy crap carly you could give birth tonight " stacy said. My eyes went wide, and i shook my head "omg... I cant do this, im im not ready, oh, oh holy crap" i started heaving. And having a panic attack. Christian wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. "Hey, its ok, well get threw this ok" he said. I nodded and breathed in his cologne. My breathing went back to normal, And i nodded. "Well figure it out, " he added. I nodded and laid on him, my head on hs shoulder, and his arm wrapped around me still. I looked up and Stacy had a warm and gooey look in her eyes. She leaned into Keith "im gonna be a auntie" she squealed into his shirt. I laughed still uneasy about the babies being born, why cant they just stay in my belly, were its safe and warm. The lady finally brought our food and we all doug in, Damn im hungry.

I hugged Stacy as Christian gave keith a awkward bro hug shake thing. I gave keith a quick hug and Stacy pulled Christian to her by his shirt. He was clearly caught off guard or it wouldn't have worked. "You take care of her, and my god niece and nephew" she growled. Christian smirked and she slapped him. I laughed "you can count on it" he said. She nodded and let go slowly "and you call me for anything" she said pointing at me. I nodded "by huns" i said as Christian hoisted me into the truck. It was summer know and the heat was building into nice comfortable weather. It wasn't extremely cold like it used to be. Cole got in and put the air conditioner on low. The pai. Came again and i sucked in a breath naturally squeezing something. I groaned and looked up when it passed. I had been squeezing Christians hands. I shyly took my hand back "sorry" he smiled "its ok babe, us my hand for whatever you want " he winkes at me and i blushed taking my hand in his. "What time is it?" i asked. He checked his watch "nine fifteen " he said. I nodded it was dark and i could already tell it was gonna be a long night. "You had you first on at eight ten" he said. I nodded "so and hour and five minutes apart" i said. He nodded, it was really starting to hit me by the end of the month i would be a mom. "We haven't even picked out names" i said. He nodded "we should think about it when we get home" he said. I nodded "we should " i added.

We had just gotten inside when i doubled over and grabbed Christians arm with a death grip. He held me up and walked me to the couch. He sat down and pulled me with him. I sighed and laid next to him. "Tonights gonna be a long night"i sighed, "fourty five minutes apart" he said. "so what should we name them?". "Angelina?" he asked. I shook my head "naw to formal" i said. "Chris?" i asked. He shook his head "i knew a chris he was a prick" he said. I nodded, this is gonna be a long night.
Two hours later and several pairs of names i was fast asleep on the couch laying with Christian .

I woke up alone, Christian wasn't with me. But i heard voices. I got up sluggishly, my contractions have seemed to disappear for now. I walked out to the main door. The house was dark, but i could see threw the light. A blonde women stood there with Christian, her arms around his neck. He didn't stop her at all. She noticed me.and smirked, she brought his head to him and kissed him. He didn't pull away, my heart broke. I let out a sob, and he pushed away, she hit the floor and sent glares at me. Tears escaped me. And i turned to go gather my stuff. The light turned on and the door slammed, "carly listen to me, let me explain " he begged, but one problem my watee broke, the wet liquid sliding down my leg and splashing on the ground. I gasped "shit" i groaned. I looked up Christian's eyes were wide. He ran to the bedroom and grabbed the overnight bag from the bedroom and ran back with a shirt on, since he was just in sweatpants. He grabbed his wallet and keys. He ushered me out the door. Once we got into the car, we drove under noisy new York lights, passing the still busy roads. In the dark i quietly whispered "milia and miles" i said. He went to take my hand but i moved it my jand away. I felt disgusting, i am in sweatpants and a sweatshirt 90% of the time, my hair in a bun, me fat. While that girl was in a tight dress, looking just pretty. I was a whale, no wonder he wanted.her and not me, i should have realized this. I leaned my head against the window as we drove, thw contractions had started and i was breathing heavily just as we pulled into the parking lot. Christian was ok n the phone with the docter, while i let everything pass around me. My babies would come into this world without their parents together. I want gonna keep them from him, but when i was done i wasn't going to his house. He walked me into the hospital, my contractions had gotten worse i let out a grunt of pain. Christian rubbed my back, but everywhere he touched it was like spiders crawling on me. "Her watee just broke" he yelled frantically. The nurse immediately jumped into action and grabbed a wheel chair, she rushed me up to the maternity ward and got me a bedroom. I laid down on the bed. After a while my docter came in, followed by a nurse. "Ill give you your epidural " she said i nodded and she had me sit up. I was in a hospital gown now, as the prick of the needle pierced my skin i felt another contraction. I grunted and squeezed my eyes closed. She laid me back down as i groaned. They left after a bit and within an four hours they were back in, "well lets get started " she said. I nodded they has me sit up and Christian came over and stood next to me. He tried to take my hand but i ripped it away " stace" i grunted. He nodded and called her real quick whike the nurses prepped me. He came back in when the nurses told me to start pushing. He tried again to hold my hand but i rejected him gritting my teeth. It was a extreme amount of pressure, it almost felt like i had to poop at times. I eventually grabbed his hand harshly, i saw a smail smile on his face, i wanted to slap it off for the pain he caused me. "One more carly " my docter said smiling. I dont know how the hell she was smiling at a time like this. I filled the room with groans and grunts, and squeezing Christian's hands tightly. He let out a yelp at a couple times but i didn't care he deserved it, he did this to me and made me believe he wanted me, but i couldn't let him ruin this moment for me. I felt small twinge of pain then release, as a small beatiful cry filled my ears. I smiled tears of joy as they waved Christian over. The had him cut the cord. But then he fell over. The extra nurses pulled him out of the way. "Come on carly lets do it again " she said. I grunted and pushed snd pushed. Gripping the side of the bed. Just ss the nexts babies cry filled the room Christian sat up and fell backwards, my eyes closing into blackness. I my eyes but just before i was completely gone i heard people and babies yelling and screaming.

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