chapter eight

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Pt 2

I woke up with Christian carrying me down stairs. I grabbed his shirt "my babies" i wispered. I was confused and i hurt everywhere. I started to see dots again "Christian please" i pleaded just before i past out.

Christian pov

I had walked down the street to go to talk to carly, i needed her to understand my point if view and how i would just make things more difficult. I opened the door to go uo the stairs to carly's apartment. When i heard a banging and deafening screams and pleads. I ran up the stairs it sounded like carly. I ran to her apartment door which was wide open carly was lying on the ground cradling her stomach were her growing baby bump was. A huge man was standing above her i could smell the alcohol from here thats when i realized what he was about to do. He was gonna kick her and kill the baby's. Without thinking i charged at him right when his foot was back ready to go but my body collided with him knocking him down. I straddled him and started instinctively punching him. With each punch i got madder and his face bloodier. I kept punching even when he stopped struggling and was knocked out. The only thing that stopped me was the sound of carlys whimpering. I managed to pull myself away and crawl to her. Her face was bloody and her cheeks were cut and red with hand prints. Thats only what i could see. I wanted to go finish him off but i knew i had to get her and the babies to the hospital. I picked her up carefully bridal style and walked out as i walked down the stairs she came to as soon as her eyes focused her eyes went wide "my babies " she wispered she was panicked. "Christian please" and within seconds she was passed out again.

I rushed her to the hospital. They immediately took her away from me and wouldnt let me come with since,i wasnt family, but she was mine in a way. "Aye " the cop Shouted at me once again, snapping me back to reality. "Tell me again what happened" i wnry threw it once again. The thought i was the one who had done that to her but after a description of the dick who did this to her they finally believed i would never hurt her on purpose. "Tell me your name once more" he said "Christian kater" i repeated again he nodded and scribbledo onto his notepad. He handed me a business card "call when she wakes up and is ready to talk... Or if you remember anything " he said shaking myvhand then leaving. I stood their for a minute i walked back to the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room. Carly had gone into surgery since they found she had two broken ribs and needed stitches in the back if her head. I leanes my head back and closed my eyes.

"Hun....hun" someone poked my arm and i immediately jumped. I looked at the clock it was 5:00 pm. I glanced at the person who woke me up "shes out and the babies are ok " she smiled. I immediately felt the weight lift off my shoulders. As i was able to breathe for once all day. She grinned" want to see her?" i nodded. She started walking away as i followed her. She lead me to a room were carly was sleeping on a bed she had one of those oxygen things that go in you nose. She looked so peaceful. And in pain she had to cuts that needed stitches in her face. The nurse walked away and went closer to her. I took a chair and pulled it next to the bed. I kissed her belly "hey babies its daddy, you guys and mommy yell be just fine" i wispered i rubbed her belly a little bit.

Carly pov

I felt my nose twitch something tickled my nose and it bugged me. "Hey " someone kissed my belly "hey babies its daddy, you guys and mommy yell be just fine" he wispered nd rubbed my belly ". I opened,my,eyes reluctantly Christian sat in a chair next to my bed rubbing my belly. "You can leave now " my voice sounded bitter and he jumped from surprise. He got up and kissed my head "im so glad your ok" he wispered against my head. "As i said before you can leave" i said pulling away from him. He looked confused "why would i do that" he asked. I glared at him i had enough of his bull shit "im sick of this shit " I spat." You cant keep doing this your giving me false hope. You made your choice you don't want me or these babies in your life even though we are gonna need you. You made your damn choice now get the fuck out " i yelled at him. He looked sad for a moment then he guarded his emotions "im not leaving damit " he growled. I groaned back "can't you see your causing me pain" i said my voice cracking. I was close to tears i didn't need him to see me cry. He stopped and let his guard down. "You may not want me in your life anymore but today i almost list the three most important people in my life so im sure as hell nit leaving now i am staying till the day i die" je said angry started to fill his words. I glared at him how dare he turn this around on me. I turned on my side ignoring him. I heard the chair groan signaling he sat down. My hand wrapped around my tummy. I almost lost my babies. "I did want you in my life you didn't want to be there " i wispered i hope he didn't hear that.

Our "Perfect" Family.... NOTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang