chapter fifteen

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I looked in the mirror for the fifteenth time today, i jad gone threw many different outfits, and this was the last one. I am just about eight months pregnant, and i was the size of a whale. I finally decided on this outfit cause it was the only one i had left. It was a pretty cashmere sweater, with a striped elbow sleeve shirt that showed off my baby bump. With a small belt, leggings and knee high tan leather boots. I did a natural make up look, and my blonde hair done up in a simple messy bun. I breathed out i guess its ok, i mean it wasnt as bad as the others. "You look stunning " cole said. He wore a black v-neck and jeans. He said to dress casual. But something still felt wrong. "Were are we going again " i asked as he pulled me into a hug. He smiled at me "the Marriott court club in upper east side of Manhattan, you look fine babe" he said. I nodded as he took my hand and led me to the front door. I grabbed my bag as i slugged along to the car. I was scared to meet his parents. What if they didn't like me? Will Christian decide he dosent anymore either? Will they turn him against me? Will he get embarrassed of me? Am i good enough for him? Christian seemed to notice me unease " we dont have to do this if you dont want" he said. I shook my head "its fine, its to late to cancel anyway" i sighed.


We pulled up to the club, o glanced at carly. She looked scared and nervous out of her mind. She kept biting her lip since the moment i locked the apartment door. Her eyes showed the fear. And her hands shook with and fiddled with her clothes. Telling she was nervous. "They sense fear you know" i said once we got out of the truck and were halfway into the building. She slapped my peck and shot me a glare as i laughed at her. "Her i was only trying to lighten the mood" i said wrapping an arm around her. She rolled her eyes as i kissed her temple. The babies would be due soon. I didn't want her stressing. She smiled as we walked into the dinning area. My mom sat at the table already with a Orange juice in a Champaign glass most likely mixed with some alcohol , already at... I checked my watch, Eight am in the morning. I sighed "mom ,dad"


"Mom dad" Christian said. A women in a white dress the fit tightly but went down to her knees. It had peachy ,orange , maybe pinkish color flowers printed on it. Shehad blonde hair that went to her shoulders in perfect waves. The man next to her had a salt and peppered hair, which he pulled off. He wore a black suite. I could tell Christian had his strong nose and cheek bones, while he had his mothers pretty grey eyes. Exept Christian showed softness
While hers showed competition, and hardness. She smiled a dazzling but fake smiled as she stood up "Christian hun, glad to see you even though you didn't dress up, nicely " she said, with that bitchy mother voice. He rolled his eyes as she showed a look of distaste as she looked me up and down. "I see you didn't bother either" she said in a rude voice masked in a nice one. I looked down my hands were shaking slightly "im sorry, Christian said casual and..." i was cut off when Christian said " don't apologize " . he glared at his mom. She smiled "well now you know" she said. "Marilyn be nice" he said hardly to her. She gave him a look, that said dont tell me what to do. He smiled warmly at me "hello im Bryson, Christians dad" he said standing up and giving me a small hug, followed by giving Christian a hug as well. We sat down at the table. "Dont mind Marilyn, shes just endanger of not being number one" he said smoothly. As she glared daggers at her. He smirked when he felt her stare. "So carry what do you do" she asked with a menacing tone. "Um its carly, and i was a bartender, at one of the bars that was close to my old apartment, but i moved in with Christian and well it was to much in gas money, and i didn't want to make Christian go out of his way after my car gave out" i said. "So i plan on getting a new job closer to the apartment so i can walk after the twins are born and old enough " i said. Christians father gave him a hard look "you couldn't buy her a new car? You know were rich right? " he said. I shook my head "i couldn't let him do that" i said. He shook his head "its true father i tried to but she refused " he nodded and raised a eyebrow at me "to proud huh" he said with a lopsided grin. I shook my head "ow no i just didn't feel right taking his money and knowing him he'd buy me a brand new car" i said. He nodded. And his mother cut in "when are you getting married " i coughed. And Christian took the lead "mom were a newish relationship and were having twins, thats enough stress ok, we will do it further down the line when everything clears up and settles down. " he said. She shook her head and gave me a sour look "listen here missy. I know your type you act all sweet and and innocent but as soon as you got him locked down and your claws sunk in into him youll become a gold digger and the worst of the type. " she said her voice dripping with vile. I was shocked i put down the water i had started to pick up. Bryson glared at her. Christian stood up " dad im sorry but we will be going" he gave his mom a cold stare " as for you, i dont want you at the hospital when she gives birth, and you will not be in our lives till she gets a full apology, and you treat her better, i love her and she is carrying my children, you will not disrespect her" he said anger fuming off him. His once soft eyes now hard with anger. She looked shocked and took a sip of her drink. Christian grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I waved goodbye to coles father as he pulled me along. Once we were in the Car cole looked at me , his eyes soft again "im sorry carly i didn't realize she would act like that, and i meant what i say when i dont want her there " he said. I looked up at him "do you believe her?" i asked. He shook his head "i don't believe a word that comes out of that hags mouth, and i haven't for years" he said. I nodded "cause i don't want your money, i want you" I said truthfully. He smiled "ive always known that, you hate letting me pay for stuff" he laughed. I smiled "i love you Christian " he smiled "love you to hun, lets go home and watch some Netflix " he said. I smiled at myself, "how do i ever deserve you" i asked. He smiled "i feel the same exact way babe" he said. I smiled as he took my hand in his.

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