chapter ten

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I packed up my stuff in my suitcase. Christian had been determined for me to stay at his penthouse, i didn't want to at all but i didn't have a choice in the matter. "You done baby mama " he asked. I rolled my eyes "ya let me just grab my stuff" he strode over taking my stuff from my hands. I glared at him "i can take care of it myself" i spat. He rolled his "feisty... But im taking it your almost five months pregos, im taking it" he said, i knew by the tone in his voice it was not up for discussion. I rolled my eyes, as i locked the door and followed him out to the truck. My belly had grown to the size if a big basketball. I wrapped my coat around me tighter. It was bitter cold, and im excited because in three months when the babies are born it'll be warm enough to take them outside after a month or two. I opened the truck door as Christian pushed my bag in the back. I looked down at my big belly and then the big truck. This was not gonna work. I looked up at him as he got in the truck "Christian i cant get in" he rolled his and jumped out. He walked around. And came behind me "ill grab your hips and yoh jump " he said. I nodded as his hands went to my hips under my belly and i took my hands over his as he lifted me up in the truck. He fake groaned "god your heavy" he smirked , i glared at him and tried to punch him, but he caught my wrist and kissed my knuckle. I rolled my eyes trying to hide the small smile threatening to show. He jumped onto the step and grabbed the seat belt from my hands and buckling me up. "Im not a baby" i groaned. He laughed as i pouted, gid i hope he wasn't like this the entire tjme i was staying with him. He smirked and got down jogging to the other side after shutting the door. Her jumped back in. As i was still pouting, he leaned over and pecked my lips. I leaned backwards whipping my lips furiously as he smirked. If he was gonna treat me like a two year old im gonna act like it.

We walked into Christians penthouse. It never really felt homey here. There wasnt any pictures or trinkets around, never a thing out of place. Everything was always spotless. "Were is my room " I asked. Ive never really hung out here unless i spent the night, but i always left in the middle of the night, which he never really liked but i wasnt a relationship person. Amd i dont think i will ever really be. "CARLY" Christian shouted making me jump "you there" he asked. I nodded "just thinking " he nodded "but anyway i dont have any extra rooms so you will be staying with me in my room " he said walking down the hallway to his room. Shit "then your sleeping on the couch?" i called after him. I heard him chuckle "nope" he said popping the p. I rolled my eyes what a ass, "fine i guess ill get comfortable om the couch then " i said. "Nope" he said again.

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