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Suho P.O.V

Except the family members the doctors didn't allow anyone to see Mercy due to some safety issues. So I told the others to go back to School, they can't skip school, if Mercy know that they skip school she might kill them.

Mom and Dad were really worried about Mercy. We worried that what if she doesn't wake up? That thought itself killing me.

After so many years I got my sister back, but now she end up in a Coma. If I see Linah once again I could have killed her.

Daily I come here and sit next to Mercy and tell her how much I miss her, hoping she might hear me.

It almost passed a week, but she didn't wake up. I was frowning and sulking in my seat.

I looked at her, all the machine attached to her body. She is sleeping with all those pain in her heart.

"Mercy, please wake up. I have lot to tell you. I want to tell you everything. Please wake up" I cried holding her hands.

I felt a movement in her hands, I looked up and see Mercy looking at me. "Y-you woke u-up?" I wiped my tears. "Mercy, you woke up". I tried to hug her, but she moved back shivering.

I realise that she is still upset about whole thing. "Mercy, please-"

"W-who are y-you?" she asked me in a tremble soft voice. "It's me Suho" I moved closer, but she shook her head.

"W-who am i? W-why I'm h-here?" Mercy looked around and screamed. It took me few seconds to realise what's happening.

I ran out. No No No, it could not be. How she can? I ran to doctor room, I told him that Mercy wake up. I know I should have just call him from her room, but I'm not ready to accept what will come next.

Doctors and nurse went inside to check up on her. I called my parents and Hana. They must be on the way.

My Dad and Mom came first. The Doctors came out from her room. "Doctor, it's not what I'm thinking right? S-she can't f-forget us?" I asked him.

"What are you saying Suho?" Mom asked me. I didn't bother to answer her.

"Due to shock, she forgot everything. Your daughter has a amnesia" Doctor said to us. My Mom fell on the floor, My Dad controlled himself not to cry.

"H-How she f-forget us?" I cried aloud.

"Please be calm. Mercy hid herself in her mind, it seems she doesn't want to remember her painful past. So it will be helpful if you don't cry in front of her or Don't tell her about her past.. Don't let her to over think of anything" he advised what should we do, "Now you can see her, but be prepare what you will tell her"

After doctor left, none of us moved from the place. Few seconds later, we went inside.

Mercy was really scared by seeing us. Her eyes showed lot of emotion. My Dad told the nurse leave the room, so we can talk to her. They left the room.

My Mom sat next to her and held her hands, "Don't be scared. We are your parents. I'm your Mom and he is your Dad" she pointed towards the Dad, who smiled through his tears.

"M-Mom? D-Dad?" Mercy looked at them, and then her gaze landed on me. Mom noticed that, "He is your brother Suho".

"Brother?" Mercy blinked her eyes. I went and sat the other side of the bed, "Yeah, your elder brother" I messed her hair.

Mercy looked quiet, she looked at Mom, "Is my name is M-Mercy? Earlier the Doctor said to me"

I looked at my Mom and then Dad. What should we say to her? Sarang or Mercy?.

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