57. Stick together

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Author P.O.V

Baekhyun and Mercy decided to not to tell anyone until Jane open her eyes. When they came back to the class Suho noticed how pale Mercy face looked. But he shrug it off that he thought it because she worried about Jane.

Suzy texted a picture of Jane lying on the bed. "I really miss her" Myungsoo pouted by seeing the picture. Mercy bit her lips not to cry, she was really angry, upset that someone tried to kill her best friend.

Next day they went to hospital to see Jane. Even though the nurse shouted that they should not bring balloons and flowers inside but they didn't listen to her.

Few minutes later Jane opened her eyes and looked at them. "Omo, you are awake" Myungsoo hugged her. But Jane moved away from him, "W-Who are you?". Her face was scared by seeing them.

"Huh? I'm Myungsoo your boyfriend" Myungsoo took her hand, but she yanked his hand. "B-boy Friend? Who are you all?" She looked at them in fear.

"You can't remember us?" Mercy went to her. Jane shook her head.

"Why these scenes feel similar?" Xiumin blink his eyes continuously. "Omo, Does she have memory loss?" Hana gasped. Everyone surrounded her bed.

"What to do now?" Chen looked at Jane. "Shall we make her to remember?" Lay suggested. "Jane, can't you remember me?" Mercy took Jane's hands. Jane shook her head again. Mercy felt really sad for seeing Jane in this state. She was hoping her to open her eyes, but not like this.

"My two sister having an amnesia. Am I cursed to have amnesia sisters?" Suho stared to sob. "My Girl friend doesn't recognise me" Myungsoo cried aloud.

"Argh! Stop it Myungsoo you are hurting my ears" Jane closed her ears. "Huh?" Myungsoo wiped his tears. "And Suho stop whining like a kid" Jane pointed at Suho, who crying in Kris arms. He looked up and saw her.

"Y-You remember us?" Mercy stuttered. "Of Course. It's just a acting. How is it?" Jane grinned from ear to ear. "You almost got us" Luhan said annoyingly.

"Yah! you scared me" Suho hugged her, Jane chuckled, "I just want to play with you guys"

"But don't do like this" Suho pouted, "I thought I lost my sister", Jane was touched by his words. She was happy that Suho meant those words being his sister.

Jane notices Myungsoo who was crying without saying anything. Jane understood he was the one who scared most. She spread her arms, which he gratefully accepted.

"I'm sorry. I should have not left you alone. If I didn't receive that damn spam call, I would have been with you" Myungsoo cried. Jane pat his head, "It's not your fault Myungsoo. Don't cry"

Baekhyun was deeply thinking of what happened. Kyungsoo noticed and went to him, "You okay bro?". Baekhyun shook his head, "No, I'm not"

"What happened?" Kyungsoo seems to worried about Baekhyun's expression. Some what he understood there was a huge problem they have to face again.

"You" Mercy attacked Jane with hug, "Thank you for being alive". She cried in her arms. "Hey, It's just a accident" Jane tried to calm her. But Mercy cried more, because she knows that's not a accident.

Everybody seems to worried about Mercy, who is crying. "Mercy what happened?" Jane try to pull her from the hug, but Mercy didn't allowed her. She was scared by the thought of someone tried to kill her.

"I'm sorry" Mercy repeatedly said those words. "Mercy she is okay. Now stop crying" Luhan came to her, "Yah! Baekhyun do something" Suho shouted at Baekhyun who sadly looking at Mercy.

"Let her be" Baekhyun said to them. "Is that any problem Baekhyun?" Kris asked him, he nods his head. Baekhyun explained everything to them. Jane gasped by hearing those things. Now she understands the reason for Mercy tears, she hugged her back.

"Mercy, it's okay. I'm alive now, that is mostly important" Jane tried to console her. "Who the hell have that guts to do this?" Myungsoo yelled.

"What is it Linah?" Sehun said to them. "No, that's not her. I have checked she was still in the Rehab Centre" Baekhyun said to them. Mercy broke the hug, "Linah? Who is she?"

They were almost forgots that Mercy doesn't know about Linah. "She was n-nobody. J-Just a random person" Sehun shrugged. "So, Suzy also affected by that person" Hana quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah, Do you guys remember when she said that someone pushed her from the stairs?" Mercy asked them and they nodded. "I think that person is watching our every moves. He or She knows what we are doing" Kyungsoo said.

"You are right. But why they have to sending those only to Mercy" Lay's question made them wonder. "Mercy do you suspect anyone" Suho asked her. Mercy shook her head.

"So far they gave three notes to her" Baekhyun took that form his pocket. Then Mercy remembered that she already got one before, "Not three. It's four"

"Four? But I saw only three" Baekhyun came to her. "That was long back, so I forgot to mention" Mercy scratch her head. "When you got that? What it written?" Suho asked her.

"It was on when Baekhyun asked to out. It says" Mercy tried to collect what it written. "Ah, It says 'I'll make you remember everything'. I thought it's nothing, so I didn't give any thought to think about it"

Everyone looked into each other. "Mercy and Hana stay with Jane we will be right back" Suho said and gestured others to follow him.

Once they went out Hana sighed, "When did our Romantic-Comedy life become into Action-Thriller"

Suho P.O.V

"This time it was so serious" I said to them. We are now in a Hospital rooftop.

"I can't believe someone tried to kill Jane" Myungsoo clenched his fist by the thought of losing his Girl Friend. "But who could it be? They tried to hurt Suzy also" Luhan said to them

"Yeah, why they have to brought Suzy in this" Chanyeol leaned on the wall. "What they meant by 'I'll make you remember everything'. Which means that person want Mercy to remember her past" Xiumin said to them.

"Which means they are targeting the person who are close to her" Baekhyun concluded his thoughts. "We don't know that is Girl or Boy. We can name it as X" Kai suggested.

"No matter what happen, no matter who is that person. I will not make her to suffer what she gone through in the past" I said to them.

I'm sure if Mercy remembers everything, then we will never able to see her smile again. "Baekhyun give me that three notes" Kris asked him. Baekhyun gave that notes to him. Kris read that and thought for a while, "As seeing this note I guess that X is after Mercy. That person was already hurt two persons, who are close to Mercy. Now he is aiming to us" Kris looked at me.

"Guys, listen whatever happens stick together. Keep your phone with you always. Always" They nod when I said. I will not loss anyone to that X. I will protect my loved ones.


Will they plan work to be stick together?

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Thank you, I love you all <3

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