50. Friend

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Author P.O.V

Others were panicked when Mercy fainted. Soon Suho carried her to the nurse office.

The nurse checked her and said that she fainted due to shock.

"Shock? Why she have to shock by seeing the new student?" Tao look confused as well as others.

"Suho do you know anything about new student?" Luhan asked him. Suho shook his head. Myungsoo noticed Jane was lost in her thoughts, "Jane, do you know anything?"

Jane nodded her head. Soon they gathered around her. "What you know?" Baekhyun asked her.

"The new transfer student is Jack's fiancée Suzy. I thought they were already married, but what is she doing here?" Jane kick the wall.

"Jack fiancée?" Kris raised his eyebrow. "You mean Jack who dated Mercy when she was in India and also who cheated on her. Right?" Hana asked her.

"Yeah that same jerk's fiancée" Jane sat next to Mercy's bed. "But wait, Why Mercy fainted by seeing her?" Lay asked them.

"Did she remember Suzy?" Sehun question made others panicked. "I don't know. But Suzy is the reason Mercy life become upside down" Jane caressed Mercy cheeks. She remembered how Mercy felt hurt by when she know that Jack is cheating on her.

Myungsoo went to her and wiped her tears. Mercy opened her eyes and saw the others, "What am I doing in nurse office"

"Are you awake?"

"Are you okay?"

"Shall I call the nurse?"

"May I call the ambulance?" Everyone turned to see Suho. "What I'm worried about her" he pushed the others and sat next to Mercy. "How are you feeling?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just when I see the new girl, my head hurts" Mercy clutched her head "I felt like I know her"

Everyone looked at each other. "W-why you f-felt like that?" Jane stuttered. Mercy shook her head, "I don't know. Suho still my head hurts, can you take me home?"

"You take her. I'll inform the teacher" Kris said to him. Mercy still felt week, so Suho carried her to his car. After that they drove to home.

"Wait a second, if Mercy doesn't remember who Suzy is, and then she knows who is Mercy?" Baekhyun spoke out of nowhere. Everyone stopped and think about that.

"You are right Baekhyun. What if she brings about the past in front of Mercy? Then the situation will become more difficult" Kyungsoo said to them.

"Shall we ask her why she came here?" Chen asked them. "No guys, we should not ask her directly. First we need to know why she came here". Everybody agree with Luhan. "As for now we should not let her nearby Mercy"

When they reached class Suzy was already seated on her seat. They all avoided her and went to their seats.

Mercy P.O.V

I lay on my bed and thought why I faint by seeing new student. Why it seem like I know her already. I roll on bed and fell down.

"Ah It hurts" I rubbed my shoulder and lazily went down, "Omma, I'm going to the park" I said to Mom and went to the park.

I sat on the swing and looked up the sky. It was already past seven, so there were many stars in the sky, "Woah! So many stars"

"Dad, I'm so confused right now. I can't go back to India. By next week I need to change school. I need to leave everyone there. I'll miss everyone. I'm not willing to leave them. What should I do Dad?"

Can I Trust You? ( EXO Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora