Chapter 9

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HEY GUys! I apologize for the late late update. I promise an update soon this time! Please do continue to vote and comment! It give me so much more motivation!


After the boring party, I lay on my bed thinking, and all of a sudden Amir popped into my head. My face scrunched up and I shooed the thoughts away. There was no way he's going to pop into my head unless it was annoyance.

I turned and covered myself with the blanket. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

I then suddenly remembered the phone I had received as a secret Santa gift. I pulled it from under my bed and turned the lights on.

I hadn't told my mom about it because I don't know how she'll react. She'll probably feel bad because she couldn't afford to get me one.

I took it out of its box and examined it, hoping to look for some clues. Finding none, I turned it on. After it did, I noticed something important. The line or carrier of this phone was a well known company. One that I too knew well.

Realizing the familiar company name, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. This phone was purchased through Amir's father corporation. Of course Amir's father wouldn't buy me this so it has to be Amir.

I shook my head. No way! This can't be real. Why would Amir buy me anything?! An idea popped into my head and I knew exactly what to do next.

I gaped at the large mansion. It was extravagant and enormous. It was actually beautiful too. It took me a while to find this location because of their privacy reasons. They aren't celebrities, are they?

Seeing that the wide gate was open, I made invited myself over. It was a very long drive way up to the front of the house. I got sweaty and it just wasn't a good look on me.

I rang the doorbell and a butler opened it. "Yes dear?"

"I'm here to see Amir Khalid."

To my dismay, I was informed that Amir wasn't in. I then decided to just leave the box with the butler, telling him to deliver it to Amir and to say I didn't want it.

I then quickly made my way back home.


The next day I hurried to school and when I finally caught a glimpse of Amir I bolted at him.

"Yes?" He looked down at me from his great height.

"I need to talk to you."

"About.."He trailed off.

"Something." His eyebrow rose up.

"Go ahead."

"I don't want your little gifts Amir. I really don't. And I'm seriously not a charity case, you don't have to give me anything. I don't know what cruel joke you're pulling but stop it." I sternly said and pulled out the phone to give it back.

He was a little taken aback because I caught him, but then anger appeared to be evident and the surprised expression dissolved.

"I didn't give it to you because you're a charity case Malak. I have it to you because, because.." He stared at me and left his words. His eyes softened as he was staring at me.

I became impatient. "Because what?!"

His demeanor changed and He clenched his jaw. "Because you're an idiot! Leaving the house without a phone and working alone!" His voice rose up a level.

That only made me angrier. "What's it any of your business?"

He pursed his lips. "Fine." He ripped the phone box from me and began striding away. He then threw it in the trash can on his way.

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