Reincarnations -Ch. 1-

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Okay guys, I know I already have two stories in progress right now but 'Through My Twin's Eyes' is almost finished. I'm putting Stranded on hold for now because my mind is exploding with this story right now. Please don't be mad :(

There is a song that inspired me to do this story. I heard it and my mind went on a freaking journey!!


The Mystic's Dream - Loreena McKennitt

^^DO IT NOW!!^^


Chapter 1

**Reincarnation - Rebirth of the soul in another body.

1200 B.C. - Ancient Egypt - Halima

I buried my fingers into the sand that was curled around my knees. The ends of my linen white dress skimmed the sand as the wind blew my long straight black hair. My body shivered against it.

I stared into the dark alley in front of me; waiting patiently. Ever so patiently.

Issa was coming soon. I wanted to see him now more than ever. I wanted his sweet kiss on my lips. I wanted his warm hands to touch my cold skin and relieve me of the itch that crawled along me.

I sat in on the dessert floor with the moon shining down on me; illuminating the sand and turning it a soft silver color. The streets were deserted at this time of night so I needn't worry about getting caught.

My eyes scanned across the mud-houses. Every window was dark; not a sound came from any of them. We would be safe to meet here.

Movement came from the alley, sending my heart fluttering. I stayed still and waited for the shadow to emerge from the darkness.

A man broke into the moonlight. The rapid fluttering of my heart slowed to its normal pace, almost stopping completely. The man wasn't Issa. He was Osiris.

"Princess?" Osiris said, his eyes falling upon me. He blinked his eyes, as if to clear them, his mouth propping open.

My beauty often did this to men. I wasn't flattered though. I was worried. What if he saw Issa? Osiris would know he was coming to meet me. Our lives would be over.

"Princess Halima?" Osiris said again taking several long strides to close the distance between us. "Why are you alone here, at night?" His thick dark eyebrows rose as he held his hand out for me.

I ignored his help and stood up off of the ground on my own.

"Your father would be furious if he knew you were out here alone," Osiris scolded.

"The Pharoah has bigger things to worry about than me at the moment," I said. Osiris was right though; father would be furious.

"Why are you here?" Osiris asked me again.

"The stars are beautiful in this part of the city," I lied; looking up at them. Osiris lifted his head too to look at the stars.

"They are," He looked back down to me. "And you are beautiful in the moonlight." His arms lifted towards me and wrapped my body into his strong arms.

This didn't feel right. It never felt right. I was arranged to be married to Osiris, but I didn't want to be. I wanted to be with Issa.

My father, the Pharoah, had arranged for his strongest, most loyal soldier to take my hand in marriage. Osiris was sculpted like a god should be, with an angular nose and olive-skin. His dark hair was long to his shoulders and pulled back into a tight ponytail. He was the most beloved soldier by men and women alike, but not by me. I would never love him. I would never love anyone like I love Issa. I couldn't be with Issa though. He was a craftsman, a jeweler. I am a princess. I'm not even supposed to talk to him.

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