Reincarnations -Ch. 2-

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Alrighty guys :) Here's Chapter 2 of Reincarnations.

Just to let you know this story is going to switch a lot between different times, people, and stories so paaay attention! :)

Please listen to this song while you read.

-Sadness and Sorrow

Chapter 2

1942 - Aushchwitz Concentration Camp, Germany- Name Unknown

We were being transported to Aushchwitz Concentration Camp; the largest and worst camp in the country right now. It's December and the cold winter winds are hard to bare. There were at least thirty of us crammed into this small train car, so the body heat warmed us some.

I looked around the faces of the smothered people around me. All of them were the same as me; an 'undesirable'; Jewish. Some of us had cuts and bruises on us from being beaten; some of us completely unscathed.

I turned to look at my brother, Saul. His face was blank and his eyebrow was cut open. Dried blood was splattered along the side of his face. His jaw muscles were clenching, I could tell he was trying not to cry.

I reached my hand up and tussled his thick dark brown hair. He turned his head and half-smiled at me; grabbing my hand.

The train car we were riding in came to an abrupt stop. Everyone was silent. I could see people moving through the cracks of the wooden train car. People were all around the outside of it.

Suddenly, the back door flew open; brightness making me shield my eyes. Slowly, I let my hand down. Snow covered the ground the sunshine illuminating the ground even more. It was beautiful, except for the Nazi Solders that stood in my view.

"Okay, outta the car!" The man in front said. He must be the commander. His black coat ruffled as the harsh wind blew. "Single file line! You first!" His gloved finger pointed straight at me.

Fear jolted through my bones, my throat clamming shut. I struggled to breathe, the icy air that stung my lungs only made it worse. I felt Saul stand up next to me.

"HEY!" The commander yelled. "I said HER not YOU!"

My head jerked up to look at Saul.

"I'm only helping her up sir," He said politely, reaching out for my hand.

I looked around at the faces of the other people in the car. They all looked shocked at his bravery. I took hold of Saul's hand and weakly stood up.

Slowly, I started to walk towards the end of the car; my body quivering with fear. Saul walked right behind me, his hand on my back; guiding me. I heard rummaging behind me as others started to form a line behind us.

I reached the end and saw the commander glaring at me. I turned back to look at Saul who gave me a nod towards the edge.

As he held my hand I slowly stepped off of the car my left foot touching the snowy ground below me. I lowered my right leg down as Saul let go of my hand.

When I my foot touched the ground I lost my footing. My legs pushed out from underneath me and I fell to the ground. My face buried into the snow; making it sting and burn.

I lifted my head to get up; the bottom of a boot stopping me; pressing my face back down into the cold snow. The pressure from the ground began to press into my face making it hard to breathe.

I fought against the shoe as it pushed my face deeper and deeper into the snow. I heard Saul scream for me before another voice cut him off.

"Stop," A sweet voice rang in my ears.

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