Chapter 2 Unexpected Visitors

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"What's going on Bells?" Nessie asked me to put her down and she went to Bella directly. "Why are you freaking out?" I looked around the room and all eyes are either on Alice or Edward likes me they waiting for someone to explain what's going on.

"The Volturi tracked down Joham." Alice spoke.

"Who?" I asked, at the same time Edward spoke.

"Nahuel's father."

Now I seem to remember that other hybrid talking about his father and other sisters, Aro seemed to be surprised about it but the blonde one was furious. "How does it affect us?"

Edward turned to me. "Can you take Renesmee upstairs and let her sleep."

"No!" Nessie shook her head, making her curls dance around her waist. "I want to hear it too."

"You can't Ness." Edward sighed, and then turned his attention back to me. "Can you have one from the pack watch her please? Seth, Quil, or Embry maybe, but I don't want her to hear it unless we can be sure. Can you understand that sweetheart?" He asked the last part to Nessie.

I did not bother answering Edward, I took off the shirt I'm wearing tossed it on the floor and jogged outside. Once in the clear I phased and let out a piercing howl into the night. Good thing that Seth had plan to gather everyone so I'm sure that they will be together. I turned back and I heard Embry, he was near as he just took his shift to run the perimeter they have been monitoring.

"What's up Jake is Nessie okay?" He saw how worried I am for Nessie.

"I don't know yet, but the psychic seems to have seen something."

"Alice did?" Seth interjected, he's with Quill and the two members of the pack. The other one has been running with Embry and is coming from the opposite direction.

"Yeah, Edward doesn't want Nessie to know about it for now. She won't agree to sleep so Edward wants someone to be with her as it looks like he wants to include me." Even though I didn't say anything about it I know that the pack understands that when it comes to the safety of Nessie, I just can't take chances. Those who already imprinted are overprotective when it comes to their imprints.

They doubled their speed and I phased back then wear my shorts. I headed straight back inside and found Bella with Nessie, I picked up the shirt I took off earlier then turned held arms for Nessie. She went to me directly.

"They're already on the kitchen, Edward said that he'll wait for us."

"Embry will be here soon." I said curtly. "So do you have any idea?" She just shook her head, at the same time Embry entered followed by Hector. Bella and I stood up the same time, I handed Nessie to Embry. "Don't take your eyes off her."

"Sure thing Jake."

"Come back soon Jakey." Nessie used her nickname for me this time. "I want you to put me to bed."

"Sure thing Ness."

"Come on Jake." Bella waited for me. "Don't let her hear anything, just stay here in the living room." She reminded them.

"Okay." Embry turned to me. "The others will be here any moment, don't worry about Nessie. She'll be safe with us."

I just nodded silently and followed Bella to the kitchen that also serves as the Cullen's family meeting room. When we entered they were already seated with beside Alice who was pacing back and forth, upon seeing us she sat down beside Jasper. Bella sat next to Edward so that left me to sit between her and Esme.

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