Chapter 8 Announcement

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(Paul's POV)

All eyes seem to follow everywhere I go. I kept on pacing back and forth in an effort to calm my mind. Sam sighed and Emily went to his side with a smile on her lips, Sam tried to calm me earlier to no avail. I was the one who requested for everyone to gather here and that includes the council and the vampires, Rachel and I had a brief discussion if Rebecca should be allowed to come as she doesn't have any idea of the "inner circle" but Rachel won that as she knows she would.

 I saw Emily move to the stove from the corner of my mind to check what she has on her oven, the smell of blueberry muffins drifted when she opened it that seemed to help my nerves a little.

 “You know that all this worry is a bit childish even for you Paul, you know full well that everyone will be thrilled for the both of you.” I heard her say without even glancing at me.

 “I don’t know that, with what is happening right now I’m not even sure if this is the right thing to do.” The worry is visible on my face.

 “That is exactly the reason why this is right.” I looked at her wondering what she meant by that.

 “What Emily mean to say is that a happy news will help everyone in what we need to deal with, and that it will help in too many was in easing some of our worries too.” Sam knows full well how Emily thinks.

 I gave a curt nod to Sam as thanks, my head drifted to the door when I got a whiff of Rachel’s scent and I can already feel my nerves calming down merely by having her presence close.

 “You know that you can never keep a secret from me Rachel. I remember you just blurting out whenever you have something you wanted to keep.”

 “Well that was when we were kids, Rebecca.” Rachel’s quiet laugh is music to my ears, and just then she entered Emily’s cabin my world lit up. Upon seeing me she immediately went to my side. Feeling her hand in mine completely calmed me down and made me wonder what I was worried about. She smiled at me knowingly.

 “I should be jealous that I should.” Rebecca sighed. “You stole my twin sister from me and now she won’t even spend the whole day with me and prefers to be with you always.” There was such contempt in her voice that I looked at her then at Rachel worry coming back, then I saw that Rachel is smiling peacefully that I looked back at Rebecca. She had a wicked grin and when she saw me looking Rebecca gave me a wink.

 “Got yah, didn’t I?”

 “Becca loves acting Paul. She is thrilled about this for us seeing as she was the one who got married first.”

 Sam stood up from where he was, looked at me and I just nodded. I followed him at the front yard and saw cars coming up the driveway. I can almost see the Cullen’s car, Charlie’s cruiser along with the Quileute’s. It’s time, the girls followed suit and Rachel went to my side.

 One by one the car turn to a stop and its passengers got out of the car. I can see Rebecca’s amazement as she saw the Cullen family, I went to greet Billy and Rebecca was introduced to those she doesn’t know. And when all the hello’s and small talk was finished everyone settled at the chairs we prepared beforehand and looked at the two of us.

 I cleared my throat loudly. “Um, as some of you already knows Rachel and I have an announcement to make.” I looked at Billy and Jake. “I proposed to Rachel and we plan to be married next year, and we want everyone to be part of this.” At the back I can see Alice getting excited and also impatient knowing what she wants. I looked at Rachel for her to finish what we planned to say.

 She nodded before addressing everyone. “And we would appreciate if Alice will share her expertise in planning the wedding.”

 “Yay!” Alice squealed excitedly clapping her hands together, Jasper has his arms around her to prevent her from jumping. With that the girls all went together to plan while the rest of us went inside to discuss plans for everyone’s safety for the upcoming possible war with the Volturi. We all hope that it will not come to that and that we will be able to prevent anything bad happening with our families, vampire or otherwise.

** Here you go. It's a bit short but I hope you'll like it. ^_^** 

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