Chapter 11 Departure

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It was a good thing that Paul and Rachel left for their honeymoon after the reception, when there were only a few guests left that was when Jacob noticed that Rebecca is nowhere to be found. When he and his father Billy arrived home that's when they saw her letter stating that she already went back home to her husband, Jacob told me the next day that his sister always had trouble saying goodbye.

"Mommy when will Jake be here?" I stopped brushing Reneesmee's hair. "Isn't he going to pick me up?"

"No honey, we'll be seeing him at the main house. He need to get some rest as he had to sleep really late."


Edward came in at that second. "Are my to lovely ladies ready to leave yet?" He flitted to our side wrapping his arm on my waist.

"Almost, I just need to put this pin and we're done." We both looked at him and it was Reneesmee who spoke next.

"We're ready now daddy." She then jumped onto her father's back. We head out the cottage towards the main house walking with the vampire's usual speed. In a few minutes we can already see the river.

"Nessie!" Rosalie was already out of the house when we jumped over the river, in a few seconds she already took her niece from Edward. Slowing down Alice is waiting for us in the living room with new clothes and camera on her hand.

"Is it time for another photo shoot?" Reneesmee asked both her aunts a little apprehensive but excited for the attention she well get for a fe hours. Alice nodded handing her the first set.

They went for it while we're waiting for Jacob, they also took some outside the house. Then it was time for her human food breakfast, when Jacob arrived they went hunting for some lions along with Jasper and Alice. When Jennifer woke up she followed them along with Seth.

"This would be the 5th time she's trying the vegetarian way right?" Bella asked Edward.

"Yes it is, she's a bit having a hard time but she's trying." He started playing with the piano. "Though its plainly due to Seth." He added as an afterthought."

"Hmmm... So she doesn't want to upset him." I nodded knowingly.

One of the reasons why Leah didn't like Jennifer was her drinking human blood, but it was one of the conditions provided to her by the Cullens in exchange for their protection. Edward stopped playing the piano so I looked at him questionably when I saw him stand up and follow Carlisle upstairs. I opened my shield for a bit to ask Edward what it is about and he stopped to gesture me to follow.

"We would have to talk to Jacob about this Edward." The three of us is at his study.

"It would be better if he hears it from me." I looked at my husband and he nodded before turning to his father.

"I know that we've stayed here long enough but this is difficult for the wolves."

Carlisle sighed. "It is difficult for all of us, but we've stayed here long enough."

"How long do we have left."

"A few months, six at the most."

"Where are we headed?" I asked them both since this is my first time too.

"Alaska, so that we will be near the Denali should anything happen and it will be easier to visit."

"We know that you would like to spend as much time that you can with your father sweetheart." Edward said.

I nodded. I smelled Jacob then heard Reneesmee's laughter after a few seconds. "I'll go tell Jacob, and thanks." I left the two of them to plan for our departure as I absolutely have no idea on what to do. I saw Jacob lift Reneesmee in the air.

"I missed you Nessie."

"Missed you too Jakey."

He put her down upon seeing me. "Hey Bell's, did I missed anything?"

"Nothing much, though I would need to talk to you later before you go home."

"Okay." He shrugged his shoulders a bit suspicious, but then he already expects what we need to talk about.


"So what is this about." Jacob asked me. We were at the kitchen at Charlie while he's at the living room playing with his granddaughter.

"We would need to leave soon, within six months." He stayed quiet so I continued. "We'll be moving to Alaska so it will be easier to visit."

"Oh. Okay." He relaxed a bit. "So it means?"

"Yup, you don't have to leave Forks." I smiled at him. "Edward and I talked about it, the three of us can go back here frequently. We just have to be very careful not to be seen by the wrong person or persons."

"That's great!" He smiled. "For how long though?"

"Until Nes- Reneesmee stopped growing, so we have at least six years before we move again."

Jacob grinned. "You were gonna say Nessie, weren't you Bells? You can't resist for long you know."

I punched him lightly in response, then we headed back to the living room with the desserts. After a few more hours Edward arrived with his car to pick us up, we said good night to Charlie and headed home while Jacob run home to Billy.


Hi guys, sorry for not updating to long. I had a hard time as I forgot about the storyline and had to go back from the start. It's a bit short and rushed so I apologize if it not good.

I'm open to suggestions about what you would like to happen in the story. And votes will be much appreciated. Thanks, will update as soon as I can. ^_^

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