Chapter 12 Separation

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It is heart crushing, when Renesmee woke up and realized that they where no longer at Forks without Jacob. She understand that they have to leave so as not to arouse suspicions from the humans since the vampires don't age whereas she is growing in a different way than everyone. She smelled her mother before she spoke.

"How are you sweetheart?"

"I'm okay. " She answered curtly.

"He will be here in a few days you know."

"Having him stay here for a day or two isn't really the same as having him near." Renesmee stated sadly.

Bella hugged her daughter tightly. "I know sweetheart,  but it's a sacrifice we have to make for now. Besides this isn't permanent."

She nodded and went out to wait for Jacob in their usual spot. It has been almost six years now when they left Forks. There doesn't seem to be any visible changes to her but there is still a few she can feel, but it seems to be almost over. Nahuel visits her sometimes whenever he has a chance to check on his sister without the Volturi knowing about it.

"Did you wait long?" Jacob's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "What were you thinking about that you didn't noticed my presence?"

"It isn't that important." She answered. He didn't pry as he know that she will show him whenever she wants to. "I just got her a few minutes ago so it isn't that long." She placed her hand to his face.

"The pack is all right, Jennifer is safe as Seth rarely leaves her side." He answered her unspoken question. "I've missed you so much."

"Me too, I can't wait when we can finally go back home." She rested her head on his shoulders.

"Should we go to your house before your dad come looking for us?" He asked, even though he didn't make any indication of wanting to move from where they're both sitting. Renesmee showed her that her mom promised to keep her dad distracted for a few hours.

They kept like that for an hour exchanging thoughts about what they missed from each other to lessen the heartache they have felt being apart for a few months. The sun was starting to set when they heard Emmett and Rosalie running towards them.

"We need to go back." Rosalie said with worry in her voice and annoyance visible in her face. Jacob and Renesmee looked at them curiously as Emmett can't contain his grin and agitation. They both nodded to show they understood and the two vampires headed first.

Renesmee waited for Jacob to transform so she can ride his back, soon enough they caught up. When they got inside the house everyone is tense, Renesmee got scared when she saw the look on her mother, Jacob frowned.

"Nessie." Her dad gestured to her with a solemn face, she flitted to his side immediately.  Jacob following her.

Her mom held her hand to tight than what she's used to. And she knew it before they even said a word.

"No!" She screamed. Jacob crouched in front of her defensively,  she held him tight.

"Honey please, you've got to calm down." Bella pleaded. "Let's talk about this calmly. "

She nodded even if she's not liking any bit of it.

Edward looked at Jacob and sighed. Renesmee understand how hard this is for her parents that's why she's willing to listen. They don't want to see her hurt, but they have no idea how this really affects her and Jacob.

"Aro is making his move." Edward begun, Jacob looked at Alice.

"You saw them." He stated. Alice gave a curt nod.

"He wants the both of you." Edward continued. "And your pack, that was clear the last time we saw them." Jacob haven't said a word, he still have no idea where the conversation is going.

"I saw Demetri going after Nessie." Alice said.

"And Aro using her to make you obey him." Edward finished.

"No!" Jacob shouted. "We won't let him have her."

"We know you wouldn't let anything happen to her Jacob." Bella held his arm. "It isn't safe."

Renesmee is crying now, Edward held her in his arms. Jacob looked back and forth between her parents and the other Cullens. Understanding showed on his face.

"You wou-." He gulped. "You wouldn't."

"It's the only way." Alice said.

"Shut up!" He bellowed. "We can't be separated you know that! You all know that!"

"It's the only way that everyone will be safe. I'm the only one who can know where we will hide, they can't read my mind."

"Bella don't do this please."

"Jacob, you have to understand." Edward knows that he does, but won't accept it. "It's the only way we got to keep all of you safe. Aro wants your pack and the only way he can make you obey is if he has your weakness."

Jacob kept in shaking now trying to cam down with Renesmee so near and in tears.

"He will hurt her to get you, we can't hide your pack since everyone has family and you'll be safer at La Push with everyone."

"That's why we have to hide Renesmee." Bella said kindly.

"How long?" He looked around but no one answered him.

"We can't tell you." Answered Jasper.

Jacob was about to phase when Nessie colapsed.


Hi guys, sorry it took so long and it is short. A lot of stuff happened to me and I lost the idea I had for this story...

Hope you like it, please comment and vote. Thanks!  ^_^

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