Chapter 13 Decision

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Everyone panicked when she collapsed, Jacob thought he almost died. After Carlisle confirmed that she just fainted due to stress they are all relieved, the Cullens' then went about preparing what needs to be done. Jacob beside Renesemee holding her hands deep in thought, Edward and Bella left them for some sort of privacy. Everyone knows that Quileute shape-shifters cannot be separated from their imprints. He glanced at her sleeping face then stood up taking the phone on the bedside.

"Leah don't hung up. It's me and I need you to listen carefully." He started, the phone call lasted for a few minutes before he ended the call. Just then Bella and Edward came in, Jacob knew by the look that Edward gave him that he heard it all.

"She's waking up." Bella said unaware of the silent exchange that happened between the two men. "How are you sweetheart?"


"I'm here Nessie." He went to sit besides Bella.

"Don't leave, don't go anywhere."

"I won't. I'll always be with you where ever you go, forever." He promised.

She smiled at him that melts his heart, 'I would do anything for her' he swore. Jacob ignored Edward.

"Is there anything you want sweetheart, do you need to rest more?" Bella strokes her daughter's hair.

"Ice cream would be nice, I need to get out of this bed."

The two of them looked back when they realized that Jacob and Edward haven't moved an inch. The two of them looked at their other half until Edward turned.

"You two go ahead first in the kitchen, Jacob and I will take a short walk." Bella nodded having a faint idea of what's going on between the two.

"Hurry back Jakey, or else I'll finish all of the ice cream."

"I will Nessie." He answered back giving her a smile.

When the two left the room, Edward and Jacob headed towards the river as quick as Jake's human form allows him to.

After making sure that they're both out of earshot from the vampires super hearing Edward rounded on him.

"You do know it will be difficult to you and your pack." It wasn't a question at all.

"It is as you said, that vampire still wants us and he will not get what he wants that easily." He paused to clear his thoughts for a minute. "They're all adults and can decide for themselves, even the younger ones have the right to choose."

"What about Sam?"

"I will let him know the situation and let him decide, but you are aware that our family will be safer from them if we're not with them."

"The risk is still there."

"True, but the risk of our human families being killed is higher if we stay." Jacob clenched his fists. "Sam and I will make certain arrangements to ensure that they will stay safe."

"You know that we will help out whenever we can, even if our family comes first. "

Jacob gave a curt nod to show he understood even if it isn't necessary as Edward hears all his thoughts. Sounds of heavy paws on the ground interrupted the silence that passed between them. A sandy wolf came into view slowly they proceeded back to the house, Seth catching up in seconds. When the house came into view Seth stopped behind a tree to phase, in a minute Jennifer came out to embrace her imprint. Edward and Jacob can hear Bella and Reneesme's laughter and hurried inside.

"Jake!" She immediately launched herself to him trembling slightly, she hold onto him tightly seemingly afraid they will be separated.

"Still got some ice cream for me Nessie?"

"Yup, I left 2 scoops for you."

"Thanks, you're the best." She gave him her sweetest smile.

"So, I've heard from Leah that we're meeting here?" He asked upon entering and went straight to the refrigerator. Jacob nodded at him and in a few minutes they can hear the sounds of tires coming into the Cullen's driveway.


Hi guys, I know some of you are asking for update and this is what I was able to finish in between my busy time. Thank you again for reading, and please give me your thoughts about the story or if you have suggestions let me know.

Please vote every chapter. I will update as soon as I can. ^_^

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