Chapter 6 Wonders

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(Seth’s POV)

“That was so brave of you, coming here all alone knowing what awaits you.” I can’t seem to take my eyes off Jennifer, I can also feel the eyes of my sister boring behind my back. Leah is not happy for these turn of events, she thinks that Jennifer stole me from her. But I was never her responsibility regardless how dangerous she may think of me imprinting on a hybrid that might be wanted by the Volturi.

My thoughts drifted back to that night.


Leah and I were eating dinner with mom and Charlie, my sister is not quite happy with the relationship that was formed between our mom Sue and Bella’s dad Charlie since she still doesn’t like Bella. More so now that Bella is a vampire, I have no problem with it and since both of us can see how it help our mom ever since dad’s death there is nothing else we could wish for. There’s a twinkle in mom’s eyes now every time she laughs that was lost when dad died, so whether Leah likes it or not she accepts it rather that have mom go back to the reserved self she was. Charlie was telling us about a trouble he had at work when we all heard a howl, Leah and I looked at each other while the two of them looked at us and we both excused our self. I heard Charlie sigh and told mom that they should head to Billy’s place. We ran out of the house and when we’re far enough we phased, Leah took a minute longer than I did but I didn’t slow down to wait for her since I know that she can easily catch up to me. A few minutes later she shot passed me and slowed down to match my pace while I push myself to go much faster, being the fastest wolf in the tribe is what my sister is famous for.

It would seem that the pack had already intercepted the hybrid that we were expecting to come, and they have already cornered her near the borderline of the treaty. We could see Jacob with some of the Cullen’s hurrying to the place, we are right behind their heels thought they would be arriving there first. When they arrived we saw through Jacob’s mind that it was Carlisle who spoke to her first.

“Good evening. Will you state your reason for visiting us?”

We saw the hybrid scanning her surroundings first before answering. “Nahuel, my brother told me to come here he told me quite about you lot. I’m Jennifer, as you might have already known.”

“And what business do you have with us.”

“Asking for shelter or your protection for only a few days if possible.” She glanced at Alice before continuing. “I’m sure you already saw that my father was captured by the Volturi.”

Edward interrupted with a snarl before Carlisle can speak. “And what makes you think that we will endanger ourselves for you?” Jacob growled in agreement.

“To return the favor of my brother helping your daughter. Back when he also risked his safety for coming here and exposing us all.” She paused before continuing. “I, my brother and sisters were safe  as long as we remained unknown to the vampire community, but all of that changed a few weeks ago.”

Edward and Jake growled angrily with the reminder, even Jasper and Alice let out a snarl including some wolves and Leah. This Jennifer hybrid is quite haughty for someone asking for our cooperation. I know Jake’s temper full well so we hurried as we’re nearing and reached them a few seconds early before Jake leapt the distance between the hybrid and him. At that exact moment when I skidded beside Jake with Leah, the hybrid looked at us at the same time. I was about to turn to Jake and calm him down if necessary when my attention was shifted to the hybrid as if by a demanding force and almost willingly gazed at her and our eyes met. Our packs’ head meaning the one Jacob is leading, seemed to turn at my direction in slow motion.

            In that moment I experienced what my brothers had experienced when they found their mate, their other half, their center, their world, and I know that I am willing to give anything or everything to make her happy and keep her safe.


            My thoughts drifted back into the present to hear her answer my question.

“ – was my only chance of survival.” She said sadly and I wrapped my arms around her automatically and she held onto me. “My brother Nahuel doesn’t know what the Volturi would do, especially to me.”

            Jennifer admitted to everyone that she has the ability to converse telepathically to someone she already had a conversation no matter the distance is, thought this ability of hers is limited only for a few minutes ‘the longest she had tried is three’ she is able to have these conversation with multiple persons at the same time. She can also decide or choose if all should hear the conversation or speak with each other, or if she wants only she can hear them and they will also hear only her in turn. And from the encounter her brother had with Aro and as what Nahuel had understand from Edward, Aro is a collector and his most precious and prized collections are the living with extraordinary abilities or unique. But since only Jennifer and her brother knows about her ability we are hoping that Aro will stay ignorant of this unless he decided to seek Nahuel after his search for Joham.

“At first I was skeptical about coming here.” She said continuing her train of thoughts. “But my brother spoke wonders about his experience here with you.”

            I saw her looking back to where Edward and Bella sat while watching Jasper and Emmett having an arm wrestling match. Her eyes are full of wonder at their relationship, the love they had for each other as her father Joham never taught them to love others but just themselves. She already knew the story from Nahuel, that Bella was once human when she gave birth to Renessme before she was turned into a vampire. I can see the longing in her for a wish that their father might be or should have been somewhat like Edward then none of her siblings would be motherless.

“Do you regret coming here then?” I asked already dreading the answer.

“No!” She looked at me shocked that I could even think of such a thing. “I would have never met you if I didn’t come here then, it was the luckiest and the most magical night of my life.”

I hugged her knowing that she understands I feel exactly the same even without saying it out loud. We stayed like that for a long time, I didn’t even noticed when Leah left. We just broke up, but I still held her hand in mine when we heard Nessie’s laughter and the heaving pounding of Jake’s paw on the ground.


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