Chapter 4 Anticipation

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Hi guys.. I'm back now. ^_^

(* See description at the end.)

What I hate the most is dreading things that will come but unable to do anything about it. I watched as Nessie runs around the forest chasing butterflies delaying the hunt. I looked back at Bella who is also thinking about what we should do just to keep Nessie safe.

"Come on Ness, you need to hunt." She jumped into my arms within a second and placed her hand on my cheek. "Oh, Ness, you used that excuse a few weeks ago. You can't always reason out that you're not thirsty." She looked at me smugly.

"Fine, I'll win again this time." She looked so adorable even pouting, she then went off to look for some deer's.

"No you won't." I shouted running after her and phasing without even bothering to remove my clothes. I can almost see Bella shaking her head, well I have been defeated for a straight week now and I really rather not lose another one. Turning into the clearing my heart almost sank when I saw Renesmee tackling a lioness, she fell on the ground with it on top of her that made me rush to her side. I just calmed down when I heard her whoop then the lioness was pushed aside.

"Let me see you beat that." She said at me proudly. I just rolled my eyes and proceeded on scanning the clearing, hoping silently that there's a lion close by.

After the hunt we went to La Push, Rebecca doted on Nessie as I have expected. We didn't stay long as we promised Charlie that we'll spend dinner with him and Sue, Billy, Rachel, Paul, Rebecca, and Edward will join us later.

Charlie already knows that the Cullens have to leave any moment soon for a short while, but he doesn't know yet that some from the reservation will also be leaving with them. Charlie did not make too much fuss about it, after Bella and Edward gave their word that they will visit often.

We chatted with each other for a while, most of the time the subject is Rebecca as she's the one who has been out of touch. After that Bella, Edward, Nessie and I left early with the excuse that Nessie needs to be in bed early, though some part of it is that I need to run my shift tonight and have Leah, Seth, and *Adolfo sent home. On the way to the Cullen's house my mind drifted off to my conversation with Sam.


(A few days ago.)

When I got to Sam and Emily's place, Quil was also there playing with his imprint Claire as expected. He just mumbled a short 'Hey Jake' on my direction, Emily smiled and told me that Sam will be here shortly so I sat down to one of the chairs and grabbed a blueberry muffin stuffing it on my mouth.

I was thinking of how to approach Edward for him to allow me to visit Billy at least every month when Sam walked in. He went to Emily and kissed her before looking at me.

With a nod I followed him out front and headed for the beach.

"So what happened last night?" He asked directly. "You didn't tell me all the details, just a brief glimpse of it."

"Alice saw one of the hybrids coming here, but they don't have any idea as for the reason why she will be heading here."

"There was something about those vampires in cloaks."

"Yeah, it seems that the leader have found the vampire that has been experimenting."

"We have to be extra careful with the boundaries, if ever we caught an unfamiliar scent we'll track it carefully but won't approach it unless necessary. I hope your pack will be careful too." Sam placed a hand on my shoulder, I sighed already seeing what's next. "I know that you're too worried for Nessie but it doesn't mean that you will be reckless. It won't do us any good."

"You're right." I murmured quietly.

"I already told my pack to stick close just in case."

"Thanks Sam. I better go back, you must have heard that Rebecca is back in town and I know that Billy would love to see as all together."

"That's right, do you have any idea what made her come back?"

"Uh-uh, it won't be long before it will be made known." I cursed Paul for keeping silent.

"Okay, I'll have to go back too. See you around Jake."

"Yeah, you too."


I was pulled out of my reverie when I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard Bella's voice from a distance.

"Jake, Jacob we're here."

"Huh?! Oh yeah, well I better go." I kissed Nessie on her forehead, who was already sleeping on Edwards's arms. "See you tomorrow guys."

"Be careful Jake!" Bella said as I was already on my heels, when I looked back Edward just nodded at me. When I was already on the cover of the trees I stripped my clothing and phased.

I immediately heard the others in my head, they started early without me. After four hours we all headed home, I caught Edward, Bella and Nessie's scent on my way back. I relaxed knowing that they're already back at their own cottage.

The days passed with our anxiety growing each day, dreading for that wretched hybrid to come. Though the Cullen's are a bit more relaxed compared to the pack, as the Denali clan arrived a few days back upon hearing what Alice saw.

Rachel and Paul are planning to tell everyone of their engagement tonight. I was scowling at the undeniable fact that Paul will be part of my family as my brother-in-law, the good thing is that once Rebecca goes back I will have my room once again even for a short while as Paul and Rachel are planning for a honeymoon week. Then they will be living near our place so that Billy will not be left alone once I leave with the Cullen's. I was on my train of thought when a piercing howl ripped the air, I panicked as it came near the Cullen's border. I phased without bothering to remove my clothes, I heard it ripped everything was torn to bits. I ran as fast as I could straight to the Cullen's place. I couldn't understand what everyone was saying as my mind is full of worry for Nessie.


Sorry for updating just now. Hope you like it.

*The other one of the new members of the pack that just joined last month.

I don't own any of the characters except those that I made. Most of them are creation of Stephanie Meyer writer of the Twilight Saga.



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