Chapter 15 Tension

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Everyone is busy getting ready on their own. The Quileute had a long discussions with their respective loved ones as to what is the best course of action for their safety. While the Cullens has their own preparation, Bella and Edward is trying to convince Jacob that being with Renesmee is dangerous at the moment.

"The risk of capture is very likely if you two are together." Edward's frustration is visible in his voice even if his face looks calm.

"Easy for you to say." Jacob retorted.

""We know that this is not easy. Believe me.

Jacob snorted.

Bella sighed from where she is watching the both men bicker. "We understand that it will be very difficult for you two to be apart from each other." She approached Jacob slowly. "But this is only temporary, just until the threat from the Volturi passes."

"You really think this will pass?" He asked sarcastically.

"This time they need to suffer a huge loss." Edward stated and pulled his wife to his arms. "And we intend to make sure of it."

"How can you be sure that the other vampires will help?"

"Alice already saw most of the same crowd standing with us." Bella assured him. "And if this time it comes to a fight we will not go down easy with their help."

"The wolves will rip every throat of those filthy bloodsuckers." He answered haughtily. "Besides the last time they went for her, the two of us are together."

Edward and Bella sighed in defeat.

"I'm not some coward that will run with my tail tucked between my legs."

"Fine." Edward finally gave in."Just make sure you both be careful."

Just then, Alice flitted into the room. "Jas and I will be leaving now." She went to give Edward a hug then Bella.

"Be careful, and return to us as soon as you can." Bella whispered.

"We will." Her shoulders fell. "This would have been much easier if only Nahuel use a phone."

"Well, maybe he thinks that doing it that way makes it difficult for his father and the Volturi to track him."

Alice sighed. "You may be right."

Jasper came into view and lingered by the doorway, as he is still bothered by Jacob and the others. "We have to leave now." He held his hand out to Alice.

"See you all soon, make sure you contact everyone and anyone that can be trusted to help us." She reminded us before the both of them vanished in a flash.

The three of us slowly went downstairs and joined the others at the drawing room. Rosalie and Emmett are almost finish getting ready. Carlisle is on the phone while shifting through a stack of papers and documents in front of him. Esme came from the kitchen with some snacks for Jacob who sat down next to Renesmee. The two of them started munching after Esme put the plate down the table in front of them.

"The others are on their way." Carlisle stated towards their direction.

Edward nodded in acknowledgement. "Still no word from Alistair?"

He sighed. "He hung up as soon as he heard my voice."

"He did say that he do not want a confrontation with the Volturi." Esme went to his side.

"Where are Tanya and the others?" Bella inquired upon noticing the absence of the Denali Clan.

"Kate went to track Garrett." Said Esme. "The last time he called her is to say that he is near to finding what he is looking for."

"He still haven't bought a new phone?" Rosalie scoffed.

Esme looked at her reprimandedly, while Emmett went to pull his mate to his side.

"We better get going." He kissed her mouth before nodding to everyone in the room. "See you soon kiddo." He went to pick Renesmee from the couch and twirled her before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Please be safe princess." Rosalie hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

The two of them went their way and only the six of us are left in the room. I looked at Jacob and Renesmee before gesturing to Edward. Carlisle looked at me when Edward flitted to my side.

"I need to hunt." I said to him, he nodded as my eyes are almost black. Since it is decided that it is not safe to anyone of us to be alone ever since Alice premonition we hunt in pairs. "We will be quick." I said to my daughter and Jacob before heading out to the woods with Edward right on my heels.


Hey Guys!

It may take me a while to post the next chapter after this. As you noticed this is short, I am drawing blank if I want to do a battle or not. And if I do a battle scene I can't picture how it will turn out. Since it has been years when I started this I am at loss as to how I originally wanted this story to play out.

Hope you all like this and be patient with me.

Keep safe everyone. ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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