Chapter 7 Acceptance

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(Jake’s POV)

After spending the whole afternoon at the beach with Emily, Quil, Claire and Renessme, my mind was somewhat peaceful and cleared of some of the worries I have been thinking for awhile now. So when we got back to the Doctors’ place the smile I gave to Seth and Jennifer is genuine. I saw him sigh with relief, as it wasn’t exactly a secret of how I felt when he imprinted to the hybrid I considered a threat to Nessie’s safety.

Renessme immediately slid off my back upon seeing the two of them and ran to Seth’s arm screaming his name and showing them the shell necklace that Emily taught her to make. I turned from them back to the covers of the trees to phase back to my human form and pick up the clothes that Bella or Esme laid for me.

They were already inside the house when I returned so I headed to the backdoor. Nessie was distributing the shell necklace she made for everyone. It was a peaceful atmosphere and full of laughter inside and the scene before me looked as if it was just another normal ordinary family. When I entered the room, Nessie glided towards me and jumped to my waiting arms.

“I have one for you too Jakey.” She announced holding up the necklace with the heart shaped shell she showed me earlier as its pendant. She was looking at me waiting for my reaction.

“It’s beautiful Nessie, thank you.” I answered with a lump in my throat. “I absolutely love it and will treasure this forever.”

“I told you he won’t laugh.” She stuck her tongue out to Emmett who just replied with his booming laugh.

“It looks good on you Jake.” Seth snickered barely containing his laugh.

“I have one for you too Uncle Seth.”

            Nessie handed him a star shaped pendant shell necklace. The look on his face when he forced himself to smile made Emmett and me laugh.

“Thanks, Ness.” He can’t decline when he is surrounded by eight vampires, two hybrids and his alpha. He saw Jennifer flit to his side smiling at him adoringly.

“It suits you.”

“Well, now that everyone has their own necklace someone has to go shopping with me.” Alice murmured eying each one of them. “No volunteers?” Her eyes drifted out of focus for a second then looked at Jennifer.

“Great, you’re coming with me.”

“I am?” Jennifer answered confusingly.

“Yup, we’ll have lots of fun and you’ll need your own wardrobe for staying here. Since, you didn’t bring any with you.” She said pointedly.

“Okay.” She seemed excited of the prospect. “Want to come with us Seth?”

Seth looked at me first so I nodded then he turned back to her. “Sure, where are we going?” He asked Alice.

“Hmmm… Let’s go to New York since its weekend, we’ll be back in time for school.”

“Just don’t spend too much time shopping Alice, and forget about school.” Esme reminded her.

“Don’t worry, Seth and I will remind them.” Jasper placed an arm around Esme.

I remember Bella telling me about one time that Alice deliberately forgot about school from having too much fun from shopping. I looked at Seth and I can see that he is excited about the prospect of having his first date with Jennifer. “Seth you still have to tell Sue okay.” I reminded him subtly.

Seth nodded and his emotions changed very slightly, he knows that his mom will not like it if he missed school.

“Well now that’s settled, better go and get ready.” Alice flitted out of the room and Jasper followed her.

“I’d have to go too.” He held out his hand to Jennifer.

“Would your mom like me?” We all can see fear from her, as she is aware that Leah doesn’t like her Jennifer is wondering if Sue will have the same reaction.

Bella went to her side. “Sue is more open minded than Leah, and as long as she can see her son happy, she will be.” Bella is becoming more like a mom herself and sometimes treats me as a son instead of her best friend.

“Jake, Sam just called.” Carlisle called my attention. “He said that Paul asked to have everyone gathered as he seems to have some announcement for us.”

Alice flitted back into the room with a murderous look on her face. “Who is it? That forced us to leave later that right now?”

“Calm down sister.” Emmett went to her side and hugged her. “You can never say, you might like this change as the wolves also requested our presence and hoping you’ll come specifically.”

That in it-self made Alice interested. Since I already knew what the announcement is, I’m sure that Alice will be excited.

“I’ll tell you later before we leave.” Edward wink at Alice, trust him to read it from my mind.

Without further ado, we all went to Sam’s place. And since it is already dark we did not bother taking the cars but just ran full speed, with Renessme riding securely at my back.


Hope you enjoy... Will update as soon as I can...

Sorry if I wasn't active for a long time...


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