crackfic example m8

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da title is summut. ye i rlly cant be bothrd lel. anyways, twoday ima create crackfic becuz idk. da grmmar  is so fab ima dying and da spellin is liek oh em jee! okai ima not so god @ la crackfics so bear w/ meh lel.
Inspiration from the gr8est crackfic writer EVAH, KoKomaedaPuff
"but yyyyyyyyyyyyyy m8?!?!???!??????????,,!" tha trash can sed liek a whniy baaby as nagitrash clbimed into it.
"sozzo m8." nagitrash lelled and shut da lid and it maed this weird soudn lel.
bunnie eaars bounced on da bIn and dAanced da afternon awai.
kobæda smelles summut funneh in da grabage ~summut liek oj :)~
"WTF IS DIS NICE SMELL IN MAI TRASH CAN ????,?,?????????,,,,???!!!" he screecheded @ da ⬆️ of his 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊📻🔊🔊🔊🔊.
~or maybe it's a she i forget lel~
"y is der a bunnie on ur roof trash........." hajimëme lolled and somewho punched da bunnie of da lid liek how did u doo dat bæ?????,????,,??,,,,,,,,?
"wait r u d8ing an ahoeg / sumthin?" ko hummed liek a birdie.
"noot noot. ai got dumped lal" ahoge child respondead.
"appRentky ai wasn't eatin enuf lemonz"
"maibe we shld høøk up u kno"
"wait omg yey"
and den summut happend lel.
but u guys dont wonna kno wat lel
den dere was a wedin but it wuz blown up bai a gmer god dammit chiaki.

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