ch 5 || rescued and loved.

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(Y/N) POV :
I didn't know how long I can stay here. ever since that day, that back stabbing April tried to prove I was the wrong one. everyone saw me different, and eventually Donatello grew more apart from me..thanks April.

I was sitting down on the couch, staring at the tv watching Mikey play his video games trying to get these thoughts out of my head. Really, the only one good enough to talk to me was Mikey.

Mikey looked in the corner of his eye, and saw how depressed I was. The thing that gave it away, was me tugging on my sleeves. The worst part, is I have to stay here for as long as it takes until The Shredder will stop. Which, will probably won't even happen.

Mikey stared blankly at the screen, and made himself get killed in the game. He then placed that smile of his and turned to me. "(Y/N) I know something is wrong, and I'm going to stop everything just to make you happy and you can't stop me! so cmon" He grabbed me by my waist, placing me on his back.

"M..Mikey really you don't have-" I was cut off, when Mikey started riding his skate board through the house, practically knocking a few things down.

My eyes widen, I tried my best to act serious but I couldn't. I started giggling and held onto Mikey.

We passed Donatello lab, I saw him and April talking and giggling. The smiles. He obviously has a crush on a April..and that made my smile turn right back to a frown. why am I so jealous?

Mikey looked behind, and could see the sadness in my eyes. He really didn't know why I was sad again, but he really didn't give up. maybe not all the turtles see me different. Mikey see me as my true self. I should be happy. not sad.

"(Y/N)? How about you and me go to a park, it is night and I don't think no one will see me" He said giving me a goofy smile of his. I nodded my head agreeing, but I remembered Leo gave me a order to stay inside at all times. but really why did it matter? it seemed like no one cared anyway.

Mikey kept me on his back, well..basically his turtle shell. He started walking through the sewers, and out of it. He looked around, keeping his distance from all the people that where out and started sneaking toward the park. it looked abandoned, like no one has been there for years.

Flash Back
I was sitting down on the swing, staring at the floor with tears poring out of my eyes. I was a child, not a teen yet. It was a few weeks after my parents and my sisters death.

I looked up, to see myself face to face with The Shredder.

"Whats your name young one?" He said, giving me a smirk of his.

"(Y/N)" I said shakily. "My foster parents says I'm not allowed to talk to creepy strangers like you" I said, getting off of the swing quickly.

"So scared, and fragile. I like it. but that's all about to chance once your with someone like me" He said with a smirk.

Before I could even make my escape, he grabbed me and covered my mouth. and before I knew it, my whole life changed.

End Of Flash Back

Leo's POV :
Its been a long while since I saw (Y/N). I think I should really check up on her, since all of these sayings about her.

I finished my meditation with Master Splinter and headed off to the living room.

"Mikey? (Y/N)?"

I looked toward the couch, and saw no one. I was a bit concerned, and started checking the rooms. "Donnie have you seen (Y/N)? or Mikey?"

Donnie's POV :
Oh my goodness! (Y/N)! I completely forgot about her. but what if April is right about (Y/N) and she took my little brother?

"No I haven't seen either of them Leo"

Raph walked into the lab, and had his arms crossed. His face was filled with massive anger.

"I say we find them, and if (Y/N) took Mikey, we take her out" Raph said, cracking his knuckles.

"YES!" April screamed out, but everyone then stared at her in confusion.

Somethings off and Fishy about April..Maybe she was lying this whole time. Maybe (Y/N) is good.

Better to find out, then wait. I just hope my brother isn't hurt.

(Y/N) POV :
"Your turn (Y/N)! try it out!" Mikey set me on the skate board and let out a chuckle.

"I don't know Mikey, I never used this" I said looking down at the skate board, trying to figure out how to get it to start moving.

"Here let me help" Mikey offered me a hand, walking over behind me. He pushed me, trying to get me to go. But instead of doing it lightly, he did it way too hard.

I screamed for mercy, just when I saw myself heading toward train tracks. "MIKEY!!"

I tried my best to stop the skate board, but it was no use. it was going way too fast and I had no idea how to use one or even stop one

"Uh oh.." Mikey said, panicking and was running after me.

Leo and his 2 other brothers where on top of building trying to find Me and Mikey.

"See them yet?" Raph asked Leo, with his hands gripping onto his Sai.

"I see them, looks like Mikey is trying to help (Y/N) she's headed for the train tracks"

"Look!" Donnie pointed to the train, coming me and Mikey way.

I tried my best to stop the skate board, and I looked and found a tree. I tried to grab onto it but it made me fall off the skate board, tumbling down a hill toward the train tracks.

"(Y/N)!" Mikey yelled stopping, with his eyes widen. Three of his brothers stopped right beside him.

"Move!" Donnie pushed Mikey out of the way and started running toward me.

"Donnie!" The three brothers yelled.

I was on my back, and I was injured badly. I tried my best to get up. My back was hurt pretty bad.

I turned my head, seeing the train heading my way. I closed my eyes, and a tear drizzled down my cheek. "it's over (Y/N) it's over.." I said quietly to myself.

But I was wrong, when someone grabbed me and started rolling away from the train tracks with me. When my eyes started to flutter open, I saw that Donnie was on top of me.

His head was nuzzled in my neck, scared that he was going to get hit with me but he was wrong, he realized he really did save me and it worked. A blush went across his face, and he smiled nervously showing his most adorable gap in between his front teeth.

"You..saved me..why?" I asked, looking at him with tears going down my cheeks.

"Because (Y/N) You deserve to live. and I was being a total jerk ignoring and keeping my distance from you like that, forgive me?" He said placing his Three fingered green hand on my cheek.

I blushed madly, staring up at him. But before I knew it, a Angry April stood beside us.

Happiness is real? ~Donnie ✖️ Vampire Reader~Where stories live. Discover now