ch 10 || darkness rises

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(Y/N) POV :
After what happened, I was forced to stay with Donnie in his lab. The good thing was, I didn't have to go to school again. Score!

I kicked my legs, humming a song to myself while watching Donnie work on a project. I was kinda bored, and walked over seeing what he was making.

"I'll be back (Y/N) please don't touch anything" Donnie said, getting off from his chair and making his way out of the lab giving me his full trust.

I eyed the project he was working on, and got curious. I got closer, but once I got closer I tripped on something on the floor tumbling on the project causing it to fall on the floor breaking in pieces. My eyes widen, trying to fix it. "No no no.." I said nervously

Donnie walked back into the lab with a piece of pizza, but dropped it seeing what I have done. "(Y/N) what did you do?!" he said furious, running over pushing me out of the way.

"D..Donnie I'm so sorry! I didn't do it on purpose it was an accident!" I said, on the floor from the push that Donnie did.

Donnie turned around, looking at me. "Get out (Y/N)"


"Get out! I never want to see you again! I should have never saved you in the first place" Donnie said, filled with rage.

My eyes widen, with tears going down my cheeks "Fine! I'll leave if that's what you really want!" I said, turning around running out crying

Once I had ran out, Donnie had realized what he did and felt guilt inside of him. He covered his face with his hands and shakes his head blaming himself.

"Hey (Y/N) Where you going?" Casey said looking toward me. Since what happened, me and Casey actually became great friends. He saw me crying and he got serious "(Y/N) what happened?"

"Just leave me alone" I said, leaving. I couldn't believe him, what he said to me. It was an accident. I cried, while running through the streets. I never want to see him again.

Leo's POV :
I heard all the drama going on, once I got out from the Dojo I didn't see (Y/N). I ran to the lab, looking straight at Donnie's face "What did you do to her?" i said, getting a little mad

"She accidentally broke the project I was going, and I screamed right in her face..I know I made a mistake Leo. I'm sorry" Donnie said, crying in his hands.

I started to feel bad inside, I knew my brother Donnie. He wouldn't do anything to really hurt (Y/N) or anyone he loved for that fact. I closed my eyes, sighing softly walking up to him placing my hand on his shoulder.

"We will get her back donnie, but cmon we have to move quickly..before shredder or anybody else gets to her" I said, walking out of the lab to tell my brothers

Donnie's POV :
I never meant to hurt (Y/N), I just got mad and snapped because of how much I've been working on this project. but I knew, I shouldn't have blamed her. it was an accident.

I sighed, looking down at the floor with despair. But then, I heard someone walk inside the lab. "I know I know I-" before I could finish Casey stood in front of me

"Dude what did you to (Y/N)?! did you hurt her?!" Casey said, in anger looking like he was about to throw a punch at me

" please listen to me!" I said, getting up from my chair backing up quickly as possible.

"If she's in danger, it's on you" Casey said, pointing his finger at me before walking out in complete anger.

Oh what have I done..finally I love a girl and I ruined it. Please forgive me (Y/N) wherever you are..

Happiness is real? ~Donnie ✖️ Vampire Reader~Where stories live. Discover now