ch 11 || waking from a nightmare.

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(Y/N) POV :
I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting my vision, starting to see clear again. I looked around at my surroundings seeing I was in a hospital room? That's Odd.

The last thing I remember was trying to save Donnie's life from that tragic fall that happened. I rather take my own life, then let him die. I mean, he has people that care deeply about him.

A doctor walked in the room, looking quiet happy. "Finally your awake, it's been a long time since you where awake" She said, helping me lay back down, but I just stared right at her with confusion.

"Don't move too much, you had a horrible heart condition"

Heart condition? But aren't I supposed to heal? Oh right..that abusive son of a bitch stabbed me with a stake in my arm causing me to weaken and loose my powers.

"Miss..I'm sorry to bother, but has anyone visited or made a single phone call?" I asked, wondering if anyone has checked up on me.

"Well..Miss (L/N)? I'm sorry to break it to you but no one has visited since the third month you where still asleep"

third month?!?

"How long have I been asleep to be exact?" I asked, looking very shocked. That badly injured? you have to be kidding me! What about Donnie?! was he ok? All these thoughts filled my head. I hope he was ok..

"About Six months" The doctor said, but gave a slight smile to me trying her best to give me the positive things "But I'll give a phone call too..Casey? to tell him your awake..he's the only one that actually was visiting you" She said, finally walking out of the room, which gave me time to rest.

Leo's POV :
I walked into the lab to go check on Donnie, because lately he hasn't been out "Donnie cmon we have to-" Before I can even finish, I noticed that his head was on the table. His bandana has been off for the past two months when he realized he wasn't going to see (Y/N) again.

I sighed softly, feeling a little bad inside for him. oh what the heck, I feel really bad. He hasn't been going out with us lately, all he did was stay stuck in that lab.


But he still didn't answer


Donnie slowly lifted himself from the table, looking up at me with serious sadness in his eyes. He couldn't even get any words out, he was to hurt to talk. "W..what?" he asked.

I hated seeing my brother like this, he was hurt inside. I never seen him this hurt, for anyone honestly. He was broken, tore apart. But, I knew (Y/N) saved our brother and we are all thankful for that. Thank you (Y/N)

Just then, Raph came inside the lab. He looked quiet, lighten up. "Guys, (Y/N) is awake Casey just stopped by" He said, crossing his arms eyeing over at Donnie.

Donnie's POV :
(Y/N) awake? am I dreaming?
The last thing I remember from the fall, was her body laying there with no pulse. It was such a tragic day for me, I should have been the one to save her should have been me! But what important is..she is awake. A smile went across with my face, with a tear streaming down my face.

"Ah Ya BOI! when do we see her?" Mikey asked, looking at his three brothers in such a urge. But then, Raph smacked the back of his head.

"You idiot, She's in the hospital and remember? we are MUTANT TURTLES" Raph said, yelling right in Mikey's face with a growl escaping his mouth.

"Take a chill pill" Mikey said, holding the back of his head in pain.

Well (Y/N), Even if i can't see you right now. I love you, I repeat I love you more then anything..I can't wait to see you, and when i do (Y/N) I will pull you in my arms and give you kisses.

(Y/N) POV :
After a few hours of resting my body, I opened my eyes slowly looking up to see Casey and April standing right in front of me.

"Casey? April?"

I looked up at them, with tears slowly forming in my eyes. "Dude, I can't believe your awake" Casey said, giving me a light hug and after that April did the same. They made sure, they didn't hurt me since the horrible condition.

"What about Donnie? is he ok? is he-"

"He's ok (Y/N)..he's just been off since he thought where a goner" April said, with a frown going on her face. "It's just sad, he can't see you at the moment. But don't worry, he knows"

Thank god Donnie was ok. I don't know how I can live without him, but I then realized..are they still out there? those monsters that tried to kill my Donnie and me? if they are...oh they don't know what they have coming...

HI! LONG TIME NO UPDATE! But, sorry it's sorta short! ❤️ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. P.S the picture above shows how you look when you where at the hospital.

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