ch 18 || love is forever {EXTREME LEMON}

467 18 9

It has been a while since everything had happened to you. The incident with your sister, You being injured, and let's not forget your parents were still out their.

You and your turtle boyfriend were sitting down on the couch together. You sighed a bit, with your head on Donnie's arm. It was just so hard for you to get everything that has happened out of your head.

Donnie raised an eyebrow, glancing down at you. He gulped, grabbing the remote that was on your lap and shut off the tv.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?"

Donnie questioned, with concern in his eyes. He never liked seeing you like this, not even with a frown on your face.

You slowly take your head away from his shoulder, and sighed looking down at your feet ashamed of yourself.

While tapping your feet lightly on the ground, kind of feeling stressed out since everything was weighting on you. You finally, looked up at him with sadness shown in your eyes.

"Donnie..everything is just so hard for me.."

You tried to progress what exactly you had to say, biting your bottom lip softly before continuing.

"I feel like..a bad person because of what I had did. I didn't mean to make you nor your brothers disappointed in me"

You said, closing your eyes in shame. You had, tears slowing rolling down your cheeks.

You feel a hand wipe away those tears, and then when you open your eyes. Your turtle boyfriend Donnie was giving you a warm smile reassuring you that everything was okay.

"(Y/N) you did what you thought what was right..I don't see you as a monster.."

Donnie paused a bit, before grabbing a mirror and showing your reflection in the mirror.

"I see you as just you. Unique, beautiful, strong, brave"

Donnie said with a smile, trying to reassure you.

And, it most defiantly worked. Because, by a minute after all that happened you had a smile growing on your face, and let out a small giggle of happiness.

"See, there's that's smile..did I also mention you are also sexy love?"

Donnie said, with a slight smirk appearing on his face. He looked down at your beautiful body, and back up.

This caused a deep blush on your cheeks, you were flustered on what he was saying and it was so hard to progress.

Donnie leaned in close to your face, and put a finger under your chin making you look up at him. He placed his two three fingered hands on your ass, pulling you close to him with a grip.

This caused you to jump, letting out a gasp in surprise. You haven't seen Donnie do this in a while, and it was sure shocking he did it out of no where. But, you had to admit it was enjoyable.

Donnie then, crashed his lips into yours giving you a deep and loving kiss. His hands moved from your ass, to the sides of your body moving his hands up and down on them softly.

This caused a major turn on, and you kissed him back. His tongue inserted inside your mouth, while kissing you as he explored inside. This caused your cheeks to have a deep red blush.

You opened your mouth slightly, giving him entrance. Then, your tongue inserted his mouth, and you both explored each other before starting to French kiss.

Donnie grabbed onto your ass, making sure he had a nice grip. He picked you up, and kept giving you loving kisses before heading straight toward the lab.

Happiness is real? ~Donnie ✖️ Vampire Reader~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora