The secret revealed

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Amy POV:

" omg yay" I screamed all over the house which I woke my mom up with.

" what happend to you " she asked while making her hair in a bun ,

" mom, simon just called me and he want's to meet me " I said . Her face just turned into a frown, I just looked at her , "what's wrong with everything" first simon call's , then my mom gets upset because of it. My mom told me not to go but I didn't want to listen its a one of a life time experience .
I went to school and told everyone about simon and they all spread the word, I was feeling really happy and excited to meet him. Evelyn and I were getting way more popular, just because of it . After school i left home to change and get ready to meet him, my mom was in the kitchen as I came She told me " I just don't want you hurt",

"Hurt why would simon hurt me , he is famous if he does everyone well know ",I said angrily as I pushed a chair off the way and ranned upstairs to get ready. I don't know why the last few days were so strange what's going on with everything, I don't understand . I went straight to the shower , I put on my strawberry shampoo and then after A while got out . I then brushed my hair , I blowed dried my hair then I curled it , I put on a pink wavy shirt that had a heart on it and black jeans and black Flats .

I left the house anxious to go , when I arrived I saw a lot of cars parked in the parking lot . I somewhat know they were here for him,I went inside and looked around didn't see him , I then looked all the way to the back were there were like 4 bodyguards surrounding him , I smiled and made my way over there .
"What do you want and what's your name " one Bodyguard said with a very deep voice , "my name is Amy "I said , they looked at me and made a space for me to go through .

I saw simon, I suddenly gaved him a big hug "darling I need to tell you something "he said as if something bad was about to happen.

" Long ago, when I was first starting to be a judge at American idol then X -factor I fell in love with a beautiful women in the audience , she had brown long curly hair plus had a big pretty smile, she was just so amazing and after the show everyone started going and the was the lady sitting in the chair. I then asked her if I can talk to her , she smiled and agreed to talk , we spent hours talking and laughing in the auditorium of American idol She gaved my number and then she left , after a while she fell in love with me too and I asked her out , she become my girlfriend and 2 years of dating , we made a baby and she become pregnant, 9 months later, we had a beautiful baby girl named Amy and my life turned way better , but we agreed for her to stay away from the fame Then people would be bad for her life we just wanted her to have a normal life".

"Amy, I am your father , yor last name is acually Cowell ".

Amy POV:

My heart sank in pieces , I started to cry how come simon was my father and it was a secret to me, everyone lied to me , especially my own mother why would she tell me my father died which In reality he was alive and was famous , why the hell would they do this to me. At least if they didn't want me to be in the fame because then everyone, well shatter and make my life way different I didn't care it's just I wanted a dad, that I was there with everyday.

Simon POV : I saw my daughter , hurt , crying . I was expecting her to be happy and to take the news good .I knew I messed up I just wanted her to be out of the paparazzi and cameras everywhere. I hugged her and told her I love her and said sorry my lovely daughter and kissed her in her head .

Amy POV: I knew my father was sorry about this but I won't forgive my mother that easy. she made this way harder for me to take. I forgived my dad and he also brought me latte to calm me down.I felt very happy now to know that my father never forgot about me.

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