Spending more time with the boys

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Zayn started telling me that I should spend more time with him and the boys before we leave to tour.

Amy POV:

"That sounds great. What should we do" , there was one thing that I loved to do with my mom when I was younger and that was "camping we should go camping",the idea suddenly popped in my head.

Zayn POV: I love camping ,I toke my phone out and texted the boys, except Harry.

Amy POV:" you forgot to text harry I mean he hit you with the ball, it might of been an accident who knows but he is still part of one direction", I felt proud for telling zayn that my words of wisdom made him text harry, and It made me apologize for the way I treated him,in the park.

" Hello harry I am sorry for the way I started screaming at you in the park, do you forgive me ☺".

Harry POV:

"Ding" I toke my iphone out my pocket as I ate pancakes and bacon.I first saw zayn's message, telling me if I wanted to go camping. I wanted to go but I don't know,i am still mad at Zayn. Then I saw the second massage, oh great it was the girl that broke my heart. The girl that made me cry that day. reading the message made me feel confused,with mixed emotions I felt happy , heartbroken,upset. I replied with a simple "hey" I didn't want to forgive her that fast.

The thing is why not go camping, I have a small plan that would make her fall for me and feel my pain. I went to take a shower , when I got out I put on a black t -shirt, sweatpants and put on a bandana on my head. Started packing up just incase,i toke a sexy shirt, jeans and my best amazing boots, I put some pajamas and toothbrush.i went to check on the boys meaning Liam,louis,niall and zayn wasn't home.

Liam POV: I met an incredible girl , named Danielle while in xfactor a long time ago , which I got to contact her again. We talked for a long time on tweeter. sending tweets to each other a lot.I told her if she wanted to come with us camping.She said yes , everything well be perfect.

Amy POV:

I went to change from my pajamas put on something comfy that I could wear,i invited evelyn ,if she wanted to come cause niall is going to.I think evelyn likes him it's noticeable.

Zayn POV: Let's get packing I told the boys, I packed the camping supplies, niall and Harry the food, liam and louis helped wih the games were going I play.

~~~~later at 7:00pm~~~~

Amy POV:

We all went in the big truck, my mom had that she never used, the road was long, the weather was warm, the day was great.

We arrived with all of us with huge smile. "Ok people lets look for a place"I say ,suddenly zayn and niall found a place were you can see the lake and the moon. We made our tents in 30 minutes , we had 5. We made a fire from some wood that was left behind, my mind half way was focusing on talking to Harry . We started singing and niall bought his guitar so we started singing campfire song from spongebob squarepants . We roasted marshmallows , time passed when we all started talking , my chance came I went to Harry, "can we talk " I say

"Yes" he said smiling.

Zayn left to get his phone he forgot in the truck.Me and Harry went pretty far to talk, "Harry I am very sorry"

"Don't worry love i forgive you", he says giving me a hug.

We suddenly kept talking , we lost our place,"omg we're did we go"I say. "what do you mean"Harry says. Harry dont you remember we were close to the big fallen tree and log.Zayn magicly appeared looking at his phone." zayn" I scream harry giving me awhta the heck face.

Amy POV:

It started getting more darker, there was no signal to call anyone for help. I was dearly afraid the sounds were getting creepier.My phone was running low on battery, zayn was just looking down the whole time, harry kept pushing the grass.

" What are we going to do now" zayn said, I started getting cold , which I was freezing of, zayn put his jacket on me and Harry his bandana. I grabbed both there hands, "follow me boys were leaving".

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