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Warning violence:

Later on they put a movie on about a girls life being with an abusive boyfriend, and thats when the flashback hit me.

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I waited for him to arrive, "2 am", I held my hands together tightly, I was very nervous I could hear my heart pounding loudly, He's never done this before. Something was suspicious about it. But I had to push the thoughts away, he was just a little late that's all. The clock kept ticking and my nerves kept raising. "3 am" how much longer was he going to be out. I checked my phone, no new messages. I cant wait any longer. I get up and pace the floor, I quickly dial his number. Its rings once, twice, three times, then it sends me to voicemail. I hit redial, it rings once twice, three times, and then voicemail again. "Goddamn it Mike where the hell are you!" Then the front doors swing wide open, with Mike standing in the entrance. "Jesus, there you are! It couldn't hurt to pick up your damn phone Mike!" I walked closer to him and began to smell the bile of beer on his clothes. He walked inside wobbling and holding on to the furniture around him. "Mike! Answer me!" he walked straight to the fridge and opened up a new bottle of beer. "Are you kidding me?". "Where's the food?". "You cant be serious right now?". "I'm asking you where the food is, so yes I'm serious". "There's no food Mike, I don't serve drunken assholes who come home at 3 in the morning". "What did you just call me?" "A DRUNKEN ASSHOLE!". He takes a chug of his beer, with smug grin on his face, spilling some off onto his chest. Then he sets the beer down next to the sink and wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. He grunts as he takes a step closer to me. "Why cant you be normal! You always have to do things like this, I'm so tired of having to wipe your ass and clean up all your messes!" He gets close to my face as he says "Then why don't you just leave" His breath revolts me spinning my stomach in disgust. "I love you Mike, but your such a pig! For goodness sake you smell like a rotting fish! You look like an idiot right now, do you know that? All drunk and stupid! All you ever do is drink what about me huh? Where's the love and affection your suppose to give to your girlfriend?" He takes a step back and suddenly his knuckles collide with my jaw. The pain creeps from my chin straight to my brain. The walls start spinning and I feel my self land on the floor. As I try to comprehend what just happened, my stomach feels a shard of pain. I spit out crying in pain. All I hear is Mike's grunting as he strikes my stomach with his foot again. "There's your love and affection! You said I'm a drunken asshole! Here's your damn asshole!" My eyes fill with tears, as he stops I begin to shake. My fingers, my knees, my head spinning non stop. My heart has fallen from my chest. I clutch my stomach and lie on the kitchen floor. Mike grabs his beer from the sink and looks at me "Bitch", then he walks upstairs and shuts the door.

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End of flashback

I suddenly opened my eye's "what happend"I said to 5 worried lad's infront of me as I rubbed my eye's.I felt my body in such pain like if it happend right now.The tv was off so I am guessing I been in flashback for a long time.I had a wet cloth on my forehead,"Amy I was worried sick are you ok"zayn said."Yes I am okay"i lied ,I wasn't feeling good at all my head was killing me and I was shaking non-stop.Harry came with a cup of water and handed it to me "thanks harry".A smile appeared on my face and then it faded when I remembered mike is in New York .


Author's note : Thank's guys for reading,hope you guy's liked i tried to make it longer and her ex boyfriend mike well be in other chapters too.thanks again sorry for the swear words.

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