Confused love

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Amy POV:

I woke up at 10 in the morning trying my best to turn the alarm off. I ranned to the bathroom, brushed my teeth took a shower and do all my morning things. When I got out I started looking for something cute to wear I found an American flag Union Jack shirt, which has the American flag and uk flag combine and put on some shorts.

Went downstairs to the smell of hash browns and bacon "hello mother how are you"i say with a huge smile on my face."hello darling i am great"she said passing me a plate of food. I started texting Harry

" Hi Harry good morning, what time do I go to the park."

'' hello love good morning and at 2:00 pm"

" ok see you there :)''

Zayn POV:I am very pissed out with Harry why the h*ll would he tell me all those things.

~~~~~Flash back~~~~~

Yesterday night:

Zayn POV: I ranned to Harry's room, knocked on it with all my power.

Harry POV:"what do you want."

Zayn POV:"You know excually what I want (Amy) ,your the one that took the chance for me to actually make her like me , I like Amy ok."I said very angrily

Harry POV:" But you know what I actually had the nerve to talk to her because I really like her".

Zayn POV:"But I am the one who texted her first" i said making my way out his room.


Amy POV:

I drived to Evelyn's house thinking about Zayn then about Harry,Harry then Zayn . I finally got there and we left, I saw that all the boys were there .

Harry POV: I know I met Amy a couple days ago but i really like her. She looked amazing today even though she always probably does.

Zayn POV: Omg how beautiful, Amy looks.

Louis POV : I noticed Amy had a friend a very pretty friend. " Hey guys lets play soccer I brought my soccer ball".

"Okay let's pick teams", we all said.

Louis POV : "ok so I am going to put our names on this hat so we can pick the leaders, ok I'l pick the first leader "I got zayn". "Zayn pick a name out".

Zayn POV:

I was picking a name out of the hat and out of no where I got "Amy" , "uh I picked out Amy", .

" Hi Zayn"Amy said as she came to my side. " hey beautiful" i said making her blush. " The next leader was Harry and he had louis which was beast at soccer "aka football", we had niall and evelyn, they also had Liam and Andy Liam's best friend also arrived and wanted to play.

Amy POV:

"Let the games begin"

We started by Zayn throwing the ball to Amy, Amy kicked it to evelyn, did some of her cool moves because she knows how to play soccer.

Then after a while he stopped to drink water "hey zayn, nice ass ( lmao)I smirked as he bent down to grab a bottle of water, he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows or his next words ,"I know right maybe next time you see it and I won't wear pants." I chuckle and start the game. Then louis started by taking the ball from evelyn, louis passed it to Harry and that's when zayn went after him, and Harry was jealous, he kicked the ball to hard that it hit zayn in the face.

"HARRY what the hell," I say whipping the blood on zayn's nose.Zayn had tears in his eyes, all the boys and evelyn were shocked , even harry ranned to the car , by the time we looked he was gone.

I get close to zayn , I kiss his cheeck , like a child when they get a boo boo.I felt really bad, Harry probably did it for accident. Zayn was bleeding a lot I felt bad for him as well. I am confused I don't know what to do anymore, their both really nice guys.

Simon's daughter (on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon