Battle of Remnant. Part 1

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A/N To get the most out of your reading experience of this chapter listen to the song above.

Ruby's POV

Explosions rang out as the women who said her name was Salem struck out with her power. Dark winds tore into our skin and clothing as the fight continued. The power of the three season within us seemed to not be enough.

 The uneven ground caused a lot of problems as we had to concentrate on her attacks and our footing to be able to counter attack.

"Weiss, Blake. Chaos Winter!" I yelled out the attack name as Weiss charged her winter power as Blake slashed out with Gamble shroud infusing it with the spring maiden power to purify the dark winds absorbing them into Gamble Shroud.

Weiss's white hair glowed as her blue eyes were light up a deep blue. Sending this power toward Salem as she floated in the air from the power of the dark winds. She went to the left just as was intended to dodge the Winter power. 

Blake slashed the air with the spring power infused with the dark winds. Salem seemed to catch what was going on as she was hit with the power of Spring infused with her power. 

She fell to the ground a boom ringing the campus. She was laying on the ground her eyes rolled back in her head as we approached. We the maidens of Winter, Summer, and Spring won the fight or so it seemed.

As we turned around Blake suddenly gasped as she toppled over. The power she had absorbed seemed to flow from her body and was destroying veins as it did. Dark blood feel to the ground stained the cobble black.

"Blake!" Weiss yelled as she turned to see the scene. A deep laughter could be heard.

"You thought you could absorb the power of me Hate incarnate? Pay with your life." Salem stood as dark blood flowed from her arm. The power flowed from Blake along with Blake's blood that fell to the ground seemed to flow toward Salem healing her.

Blake's breathing seemed to grow less as this continued. We had to sever the connection to give Blake enough time to heal.

The only thing I could think of was leaping at Salem with Crescent Rose imbued with the power of the season of Summer. She leapt back as the connection broke. Weiss seemed to be focused on healing Blake with the power of Winter to force the power of Spring to respond to heal Blake.

That meant I had to keep her busy long enough for this to happen. I needed a miracle.

Maidens of depravity. (Sequel to Dark Rose.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ